Can Deep-Fried Food Really Be Healthy?

last workweek, the New York Times published a story full of Mark Bittman ‘s fried vegetable recipes. If you follow Bittman, you know that he ‘s known for being health-conscious—so why is he writing about french-fry, the ultimate nutrition-related sin ? He justifies it by saying that, “ You can eat fat angstrom long as it ’ mho high quality and you don ’ thymine eat it to the exclusion of plants. ” He ‘s besides careful to say that you have to consume fat in moderation ( and that he deep-fries foods at home only about once a month ) .
so does this entail that it ‘s actually a smart theme to have french-fry foods on occasion ? not precisely .
Keri Glassman, M.S., R.D., president of A Nutritious Life and weight-loss adviser for Women ‘s Health, agrees that fat unfairly gets a bad pat. “ Healthy fat not merely has a set in your diet, ” she says. “ It has an substantive character in your diet—and there ’ s even emerging research that suggests some types of impregnate fats may have health benefits, like helping to burn fat stores and lower bad cholesterol. ”
Glassman is n’t against using fatty to cook veggies—but french-fry is a whole different fib. sure, you can use a healthier oil ( Bittman suggests olive petroleum, for case ). But when the oil gets hot enough for french-fry, its chemical structure changes, which turns into an unhealthy vegetable oil. Plus, whatever you ‘re cooking will absorb way more oil during french-fry than it would through early cooking methods ( there goes that unharmed temperance thing ). To make matters worse, french-fry veggies breaks down a lot of the vitamins and minerals they contain.

so while you surely wo n’t wreck your health by eating french-fry foods once a calendar month, Glassman would n’t recommend going out of your room to eat french-fry vegetables, either. “ I wouldn ’ t say that french-fry is the way to get in your healthy fats, ” she says. ultimately, using healthy oils for other cooking methods like roasting or pan-frying—or consume foods like avocados and salmon that naturally contain good-for-you fats—are going to be the best way to make sure you work adequate adipose tissue into your diet. not sure how much you should be eating ? Check out this usher to the amounts ( and types ) of fats you need each day .
More From Women’s Health:
6 Ways You ‘re Ruining Superfoods
15 Best Fat-Burning Foods
Size Matters : How a lot Fat is Healthy ?
Robin Hilmantel

Digital Director
Robin Hilmantel is the digital film director at Women ‘s Health, where she oversees the editorial scheme for and its social platforms .
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Category : Healthy