Marketplace chicken sandwiches feb 24 2017

Is Fast Food Grilled Chicken Healthy? Ingredients and Nutrition Analysis Revealed!






many people choose grilled chicken sandwiches at fast food restaurants thinking they ’ ra making a healthy choice. My concern as a dietician is people aren ’ metric ton clear on the risks of eating excessively much fast food grilled chicken breast. Is fast food grilled chicken healthy ? What ’ sulfur in it and how does that affect the nutritional prize ?
CBC Marketplace fast food chicken investigation - Christy Brissette media registered dietitian nutritionist 80 Twenty Nutrition CBC Marketplace decided to investigate apparently healthy grilled chicken front at fast food restaurants to see how it ’ mho truly made. They sent wimp samples from the most popular fast food chains to independent lab for DNA analysis and nutritional analysis .
Marketplace contacted each fast food company immediately to get their ingredient lists and besides had access to their nutrition information for the solid chicken sandwich at each range. Marketplace journalists besides met with a food scientist to shed some light on why certain ingredients are used in the production of fast food chicken breasts .
Watch the CBC Marketplace Fast Food Grilled Chicken Investigation .

Is Fast Food Grilled Chicken Healthy ?

The CBC Marketplace team brought me on board early on as their nutrition technical to flag some of my concerns, analyze and apply the nutrition lab results, and to provide guidance on what to ask the food scientist .
I was mindful of some of the sketchy ingredients used in frigid chicken and highlighted those for the team… but I was concerned to see which flying food chains were using the least process, healthiest chicken .
I also did a live interview on CBC News Network about the Marketplace fast food chicken investigation. 
CBC News Network with Andrew Nichols CBC Marketplace fast food chicken investigation - Christy Brissette media registered dietitian nutritionist 80 Twenty Nutrition
Watch the cartridge holder for a great overview of the nutrition findings !

Rubber Chicken, Anyone?

Are you surprised that your fast food restaurant international relations and security network ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate using a hale chicken breast on your sandwich or salad ? evening your cousin ’ south feast dormitory wedding featured chicken that was similar to something you ’ five hundred get in a jammed airline meal .
The rubbery texture of your “ 100 % white meat chicken ” is a sign that this international relations and security network ’ t your typical home cooked chicken. Fast food wimp breast ( and other food service wimp ) has had several things added to it to make it seem more tender and allow it to be cooked, freeze, transport and reheated without losing excessively much moisture. The trouble is, that impacts its nutritional respect .

Fast Food Companies are Misleading You with “Healthy” and “Natural” 100% Chicken Breast

Companies are able to say they ’ re using 100 % chicken breast when the while of meat on your sandwich could be less than that. According to the canadian Food Inspection Agency, something can legally be called wimp if it has a little as 10 % of its protein coming from wimp. completely unacceptable, equally far as I ’ megabyte concerned .
CBC Marketplace fast food chicken investigation - Christy Brissette media registered dietitian nutritionist 80 Twenty Nutrition Another issue I have with these fast food chains is their market is misleading at best. They ’ re using words like “ natural ” and “ fresh ” to refer to their chicken and feature healthy images in their selling. This type of messaging creates a health ring over fast food grilled chicken, making it seem angelic when it isn ’ triiodothyronine. Fast food chains are intentionally leading consumers into thinking they ’ rhenium making a healthy option when they aren ’ triiodothyronine. As a dietician, there ’ south nothing that upsets me more than seeing people putting in a conscious attempt to eat better but they ’ ra not making the best choices because they ’ rhenium misinformed .
Fast food grilled chicken breast is NOT your home-cooked chicken.

The “Big 3” Sketchy Ingredients in Fast Food Chicken

There are plenty of ingredients in debauched food grilled chicken front that aren ’ t the healthy for us .
I prioritized 3 types of ingredients that I wanted consumers to be mindful of and called them “ The Big 3 ” fast food chicken ingredients to watch out for : 1 ) sodium ; 2 ) Phosphate Additives ; 3 ) Sugars and Starches .
# Fastfood # chicken is loaded w/ “ the big 3 ” ingredients : sodium, phosphate additives & sugars/starches. Click To Tweet

CBC News Network with Andrew Nichols CBC Marketplace fast food chicken investigation - Christy Brissette media registered dietitian nutritionist 80 Twenty Nutrition

1. Sodium

Overdoing it on sodium could increase the risk of high blood press and stress the kidneys. We know that flying food meals are famously high in sodium, but what about the “ goodly ” grilled wimp options ?

  • Compared to the same serving size of home cooked chicken breast, the fast food chicken samples had 7-10x times the total of sodium !
  • Some of the chicken sandwiches had as much or more sodium than a cheeseburger with medium fries or a poutine. Not exactly a heart-healthy choice. That’s 1000 mg of sodium or 2/3 the recommended daily limit for sodium!

2. Phosphate Additives

Phosphates enable protein to bind more water. They ’ re used to plump up fast food wimp and make it seem more juicy .
I believe that phosphate additives are the next trans fats. They may cause damage to the arteries and other blood vessels in large amounts.
other potential health risks include osteoporosis and higher risk of death. It ’ randomness significant to note that the research we have sol far is based on association, not cause and effect… but disturbing trends however !
To put this gamble into position, debauched food wimp should be a once in a while choice… decidedly not most days !
Another interest note about phosphate additives : the come of phosphate in these foods is not listed on the nutriment fact labels and in alimentary databases so it ’ s ruffianly to know how much you ’ re getting. That ’ s a challenge for anyone with chronic kidney disease because phosphate in the diet needs to be limited .

  • Of the 6 fast food chicken samples tested, only 1 didn ’ t have phosphate additives on the ingredients list… therefore read that list !
  • Tip to avoid phosphate additives: Any word that contains “ phos ” ( P-H-O-S ) is a phosphate additive and you should look for an alternative that doesn ’ metric ton contain these ingredients .

CBC Marketplace fast food chicken investigation - Christy Brissette media registered dietitian nutritionist 80 Twenty Nutrition

3. Sugars and Starches

Maltodextrin, corn starch, carbohydrate, malt… what are all of these sugars and starches doing in your fast food grilled chicken breast ?
Home-cooked wimp has 0 grams of carbs, but these fast food chicken samples have improving to 10 % of their calories coming from carbs thanks to starches and sugars that were added .
That may not seem like much in terms of carbs, but put that chicken on a bun with sugary condiments and guess what ? Your fast food grilled chicken sandwich you thought was healthy is now the fast carb equivalent of eating 4 pieces of boodle in one sitting. not great for your blood sugar and insulin levels !

Fast Food Grilled Chicken: Lower in Protein than Home-Cooked

On average, the fast food wimp merely had 3/4 the sum of protein as the home cooked wimp breast. not surprise when you take a front at the long ingredient lists and all of the sugars and starches that are added .
Some of the fast food chicken used soy protein to up their protein subject. The fast food chains claim these ingredients are added to the brine/marinade, but there has to be something holding these pieces of grind up chicken together… Hmmm…

DNA Test Reveals Subway Grilled Chicken is Less Than 50% Chicken

Subway has threatened to sue CBC over the Marketplace probe that revealed Subway chicken is less than 50 % wimp based on autonomous DNA lab results. The chicken samples were retested and the same result was found. According to DNA findings, Subway chicken is less than one-half wimp .
My carry on the solid Subway response : You make low quality food. You got caught. Time to make a change to your recipe, don ’ metric ton you think ?
Thank good for fact-finding journalism shows like CBC Marketplace. Without them, we ’ d even be thinking we ’ re going to “ eat fresh ” and making a healthy option .
CBC Marketplace fast food chicken investigation - Christy Brissette media registered dietitian nutritionist 80 Twenty Nutrition

Tips For Choosing Healthier Fast Food Grilled Chicken

In light of all of the sketchiness that ’ south in your fast food grilled chicken, you ’ re credibly thinking, “ Never again ! ” But we ’ ve all been in the site where you ’ re on a road travel and there ’ s nothing to eat for miles early than firm food. So what should you look for if you wabnt the healthier fast food wimp ?

  • look for wimp that isn ’ metric ton breaded for fewer calories, less petroleum and fewer refined carbohydrates
  • Check out the ingredients list. Avoid chicken with phosphate additives.
  • Look at the nutrition facts table. Aim to keep sodium under 400 mg/meal.

CBC Marketplace fast food chicken investigation - Christy Brissette media registered dietitian nutritionist 80 Twenty Nutrition

Take Action for Healthier Chicken!

If you have concerns about ingredients or nutritional value of these foods, write to the fast food companies and write to the CFIA, FDA or politics office to let them know that you want higher standards for what can be called wimp .
The best advice I can give you is to cook at home a frequently as possible. Check the ingredient list on your chicken and make sure it doesn ’ t have phosphate additives .
Do some meal homework and batch cook trays of chicken breasts to use in your sandwiches, salads, pasta and other recipes all week long .
Try my roast Balsamic Chicken Breasts for a delectable accession to your darling recipes !
Balsamic baked chicken breasts - perfect for Sunday meal prep - Christy Brissette, media dietitian, 80 Twenty Nutrition
Any surprises for you in learning more about what ’ south in your fast food 100 % white meat grilled chicken breast ? share in the comments below !

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