Lucette ’ s tips : For unharmed wheat tortillas, use 1 cup whole wheat flour and 1 ½ cups general-purpose flour Perfect for breakfast burrito, quesadillas, pinwheels, enchiladas, chilaquiles, or any way you like ! Ingredients:
2 ½ cups general-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tsp baking pop
1 cup of hot tap water
1/4 cup vegetable anoint Directions: 1. In a large roll, mix flour, salt, and baking pop. then, add in the oil and mix to coat flour assortment ( can use hand or branching ). 2. slowly add in water ( make indisputable water international relations and security network ’ t besides hot so it doesn ’ t cut you ). Mix well with hands until you can form a large mass.
Read more: Heart Healthy Foods We Love And This Is Why!
3. Transfer mass to a clean countertop covered with a thin layer of flour ( besides much can dry out your dough ). 4. Knead dough into a large bowl. Cut into 8 even pieces. Roll each patch into a small ball ( Tip : If the boodle is sticky, add a little dust of flour. If it ’ s a small dry, add a drop of water ). 5. Allow the dough to rest for 30 min ( Do not skip this ! ). Add a damp fabric on top ( you can besides add a very thin coat of oil to each rolled ball to prevent from drying ). then, begin to heat a large nonstick frying pan to medium high. Do not oil or grease. 6. Using a peal fall, roll out the first ball that was formed. work with one at a time, while the perch remain under the damp fabric. 7. Transfer the rolled out tortilla to the hot frying pan. Cook for 30 seconds on each slope, flipping once it bubbles. 8. Remove tortilla from heat and transfer on to dry fabric.
Read more: Heart Healthy Foods We Love And This Is Why!
9. delight ! once cooled, memory remaining tortillas in refrigerator or deep-freeze. Find more of Lucette ’ second recipes and tips for healthy exist on her Instagram at @ MiamiDietitian ABOUT COMMON THREADS
Common Threads is a national nonprofit organization that provides children and families cooking and nutrition education to encourage healthy habits that contribute to wellness. We equip under-resourced communities with information to make low-cost, alimentary and appealing food choices wherever they live, work, learn and play. We know that food is rooted in polish and tradition, so we promote diverseness in our lessons and recipes, encouraging our participants to celebrate the populace around them. To learn more, travel to or on social media by searching for # CookingForLife .