Virginia Rogus, an ER nanny from West Virginia who recently lost more than 100 pounds, said she was excited to incorporate the course into her gymnasium routine after seeing it in her TikTok run. “ At first I thought it was a little eldritch, ” admitted Rogus. “ normally when I think of a Rice Krispies Treat, I think of junk food or dessert, not something I would eat to help me work out. ” Rogus says once she saw nutritionists posting TikToks explaining why the macronutrient dislocation in the treats made sense for gym-goers, she decided to give it a try. “ I am a sweets person, ” she said. “ indeed if there is any way I can eat a dessert for health gains, I ‘m all about it. ” But why are nutritionists getting on board with the crunchy drift ? Lauren Manaker, a register dietician, says it ‘s been shown that eating carbohydrates three to four hours before a exercise enhances both survival and drill performance. “ Refined carbs are preferred if you are eating close to your exercise because they are quickly digested and used by the body, ” said Manaker. “ While typically, it ‘s recommended to lean more on complex carbs that contain fiber because of the behind digestion benefits, simple or refined carbs can be helpful pre-workout because the carbs can cursorily be digested and used by the body for energy. ” While the ingredients in Rice Krispies Treats — specifically puffed rice grain and marshmallow — are a big boost of bare carbohydrates, Manaker says use enthusiasts who are n’t into fresh snacks can get the same effects by eating a slice of white crispen or other simple carbohydrate-rich foods.
“ People should keep in mind that classical Rice Krispies Treats contain ingredients people who follow a healthy life style may typically avoid, like corn syrup and vegetable petroleum, ” Maneker told TODAY. “ Plus, if a person is following a vegan life style, they should be aware that classic versions do contain gelatin. ” Looking to give the pre-workout nosh a healthier spin ? For starters, Manaker says to make your own at home where you can control the ingredients. Making the treats in your own kitchen can besides allow for switching up the ingredients to healthier options. “ If you are not in need of a ‘quick carb, ‘ a whole grain cereal that contains fiber can be used alternatively of the Rice Krispies, ” said Manaker. “ Additions like chia and flax seeds can boost the healthy fats and fiber found in this nosh, besides. ” If you ‘re seeking boughten options that are a bit fitter, Manaker says to look for options made with limited or no serve ingredients.
therefore has Rogus seen a difference since trying the pre-workout drift ? “ I ‘ll be honest, not very, ” she said. “ Will I keep doing it ? credibly — because I get to eat a freak out Rice Krispies Treat. ” Related: