Here Is A Sample Diet Chart For Pregnant Women


A fraught womanhood with normal weight and body mass exponent ( BMI ) needs an extra 350Kcal a day in the second trimester and 500Kcal a day in the third base tailored ( 1 ). These needs can be managed through a well-planned and nutritionally balance pregnancy diet plan.

In this MomJunction position, we give you a sample pregnancy diet chart and general dietary guidelines. Chart For Pregnant Women Click here to view an elaborate version of this infographic .

Sample Diet Chart For Pregnant Women

here is a sample menu for each meal that can be customized as per your preferences, tailored of pregnancy, aesculapian concerns such as gestational diabetes, and general dietary habits. however, consult your doctor and a certified dietician to prepare the plan .


MealSample menuBreakfast: It is the first and the most important meal of the day. So, never skip breakfast.This meal ought to be wholesome and nutritious in quality while being big in quantity.

  • 1 bowl vegetable oats + 1 cup buttermilk/low-fat milk


  • 1 egg sandwich (with less mayo/butter) + 1 cup buttermilk/milk

Midday snack: It fills up the gap between your breakfast and lunch that typically goes four to five hours apart in the case of working women. This snack should be rich in protein and dietary fiber to keep your hunger in control and maintain your blood sugar levels.

  • 1 cup Greek yogurt with a handful of dried fruits, nuts, and seeds


  • 1 bowl tropical fruit salad sprinkled with nuts and seeds

Lunch: It is the second most important meal of the day. Skipping lunch can cause your sugar and energy levels to drop.

  • 1 bowl smoked /grilled (smoked chicken tastes horrible) chicken with herbs and avocado (salad)


  • 1 bowl sesame dressed salmon, asparagus, and sweet potatoes

Teatime: This snack helps battle your evening hunger pangs.

  • 1 bread roll with hummus + 1 cup low-fat milk


  • 1 gingerbread slice with low-fat cheese dip

Dinner: This is usually the last meal of the day and should be soothing and relaxing. Early and light dinners are an ideal choice during pregnancy since it can minimize the possibility of indigestion and acid reflux.

  • 1 bowl stir fry mushroom with spring beans and noodles. Add tofu or soy any other source of protein


  • 1 bowl chicken avocado lime soup with toasted bread crumbs

There are several alimentary foods to prepare healthy recipes. however, while you do thus, consult your dietician or a register dietician so that you are mindful of foods to avoid during pregnancy.

While you plan your meals, stay mindful of the entire servings that you would need per day from each food group. here we tell you about the recommended servings for each food group for nutritionally wholesome meals ( 2 ) .

  1. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide you with essential nutrients, dietary fiber, and vital bioactive compounds, such as antioxidants. Include a minimum of one serving each of dark vegetables and citrus fruits along with two servings of (dark) green leafy vegetables.
  1. Enriched grains, whole grain cereals, pseudocereals, and millets can be included in the diet. This food group provides energy, dietary fiber, and various essential micronutrients such as vitamin B-complex. Six servings a day can meet the energy needs of a normal weight pregnant woman.
  1. Milk and milk products are a good source of protein, vitamin D, and calcium with several other essential nutrients. Three servings of zero fat or low-fat milk or milk/dairy products a day are recommended for consumption on a regular basis.
  1. Meat, poultry, fish, and legumes provide high-quality lean protein. Two to three servings of this food group a day are sufficient. You may try extra-lean meats, de-skinned chicken, fish, dried beans, and peas. Oily fish is a good source of omega-3 fatty acids.
  1. Drink about 8-12 glasses of its fluid not water needs a day. Water is important for the absorption of nutrients and the removal of waste from the body.

Stick to basic dietary guidelines along with a diet design for the maximal benefit .

General Dietary Guidelines During Pregnancy

Eating alimentary food is all-important for you and your growing fetus. Observe these basic steps ( 3 ) ( 4 ) .

  1. Eat a well-balanced diet to ensure that you get optimum nutrition. To track your intake, maintain meal planners and food diaries in every trimester. Below is a list of some of the nutrients that you need for specific functions.
    • Calcium: It can reduce your risk of preeclampsia (high blood pressure). For a growing fetus, calcium aids in the development of skeletal structure and teeth. Pregnant women are recommended to consume 1,000mg (milligrams) of calcium a day from various food sources.
    • Folic acid or vitamin B9: It is essential for the development of the nervous system and is required to prevent certain birth defects, such as neural tube defects. During pregnancy, you need 600mcg per day from food. However, even with a well-balanced diet, the recommended amount is not absorbed from foods alone. Thus, you need to take a folic acid supplement.
    • Iron: It is an important mineral for your baby’s growth and brain development. During pregnancy, your blood volume gets doubled, so you need more iron. The daily recommended quantity is 27mg.
    • Vitamin D: It helps in the absorption of calcium and certain other physiological functions, such as hormone production. Pregnant women should be getting 600IU (international units) of vitamin D per day.
  1. Stay active throughout pregnancy. Engage in regular exercise that is trimester-appropriate for healthy weight gain during pregnancy.
  1. Do not fast during pregnancy. It can disrupt levels of nutrients in the body and have adverse effects on the developing fetus.
  1. You can manage morning sickness during pregnancy by spreading meals into five to six small meals a day, including snacks. It will help you gain weight in a healthy manner. You should preferably eat something every 2.5 to 3 hours (5).
  1. Plan your meals with a variety of food groups. Eating meals rich in variety can help you attain maximum benefits from the food.
  1. Manage your food cravings during pregnancy by switching to healthier alternatives. Always discuss cravings with your nutritionist or a registered dietitian.
  1. Limit the intake of salty, high fat, high sugar foods, and processed foods. Excess consumption of these foods could lead to weight gain and might cause other health complications, as well.
  1. Stay hydrated by drinking water. Avoid beverages such as cola, coffee, and alcohol. Excessive intake of these beverages can have adverse effects on fetal development. These beverages are a rich source of empty calories and anti-nutrients that hinder nutrient absorption.
  1. Do not consume any dietary supplements such as daily prenatal vitamins, without medical guidance. Consuming an excess of prenatal vitamin supplements can be harmful. In some cases, it may lead to constipation, diarrhea, nausea, loss of appetite, upset stomach, and cramps.

Planned meals during pregnancy are good for your health and support rapid fetal development. Consume a diet that consists of a diverseness of food groups in the right measure and serve. It helps manage pregnancy weight, helps in goodly fetal development, and will reduce pregnancy burden postnatal .


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Jyoti Benjamin

( MS, RD, CSO, FAND, cadmium ) Jyoti Benjamin has 25 years of experience as a clinical dietician and presently works in Seattle. She focuses on teaching people the value of good nutrition and helping them lead healthy lives by natural means. Benjamin has a masters in Foods and Nutrition, and has been a longtime penis and Fellow of AND ( Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics ) and the … more

Swati Patwal

Swati Patwal is a clinical dietician and toddler ma with over eight years of experience in divers fields of nutrition. She started her career as a CSR visualize coordinator for a healthy consume and active life style project catering to school children. then she worked as a nutriment faculty and clinical nutriment coach in different organizations. Her sake in scientific writing … more