
14 tips on how to grow afro hair

14 tips on how to grow afro hair

Everything you need to know about growing strong healthy afro hair

Growing afro hair’s-breadth can be one of the most annoyance things in the world. No topic what you try, sometimes it feels like it precisely wo n’t grow, it ‘s always dry or any early problem it can give us. That ‘s credibly why you ‘re here right ? The good news is that growing natural does n’t have to be hard, frustrating or any of those things. In fact, it can be so easy that you will wonder what the fuss was always about … We have come up with these 14 afro hair worry tips to help you grow beautiful afro hair promptly. They range from using a silk case to protect your hair at night, all the way to the vitamins and minerals required for natural hair’s-breadth emergence. When you ‘ve finished read and you know precisely what to do adjacent, check out our list of our favorite products for natural afro hair. We would love to hear about your progress so get in refer and let us know what worked for you .Natural afro hair care tips to grow afro hair Photo credit : Thought Catalog

Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to purchase something.

1. Keep it moisturised

Dry hair’s-breadth is the lawsuit of most haircloth problems. It can be frustrating when it seems like our hair absorbs anything we put in within 5 minutes. We can be chasing defined curls and barely end up with frizz that we dread combing later on. Your main concenter should be finding ways to keep moisture in your hair’s-breadth which include oils, conditioners and good practices. We go over some of the ways in other tips. If you are struggling to find products that work for you and want to support total darkness owned businesses ; we have a growing list of black owned haircloth products. Check it regularly for updates and share the number to show support .

2. Try oil

Coconut oil and Castor vegetable oil can be capital if they work for you. Everyone is different but some people live by one of these or even both. They are great for locking in moisture after washing and discipline. If you don ’ triiodothyronine already, give one a sample and see if it works for you. There are plenty of oils for natural hair growth including Jojoba and Argan, workshop around and see what works for you. You can even use your favourite leave in conditioner afterwards depending on how humidify your hair is feeling. Read our interviews with Blessed and Manna for more on this. Author Abi Faniran has written a book called How to Grow Your Hair Healthy & Long With Natural Oils. It ’ sulfur written for people who want to start using oils to correct problems they might have. I ’ ve written a act more about it in the bonus department ahead .

3. Protective styling

We all know natural hair is beautiful and we can be tempted to wear it out all the clock time. Depending on your climate and how well you look after your haircloth, this could be a bad thing. We recommend finding protective styles that look dear so can be worn out and do the job. protective styles make sure your hair’s-breadth international relations and security network ’ triiodothyronine easily damaged by extreme temperatures which can cause loss of moisture and breakage. They besides can make it easier to wrap up and wear a hat if it gets cold or rains. A benefit of some protective styles is that they can lock in the moisture so when you take them out you feel beautiful satiny hair. Leah spoke about her hairstyles in her interview. We love natural hair and we know we know there are different types of people in our community. Some will lone wear their own hair, others are unfold to braids & weaves and will never chemically treat their own hair. The natural hair’s-breadth residential district is more assailable now then find what works for you and have confidence. If you choose to braid or weave your hair, your stylist might give you the option to buy your own braid hair or weaving haircloth which can save you some money. The monetary value can vary a fortune depending on if you go for homo hair or synthetic and where you buy from. Check out our article on box braids for more on protective style. We ‘ve besides written about wigs and the storm benefits of them if you ‘re trying to grow you hair .

4. Deep condition

deep condition is keystone to replace any lost nutrients from our hair. many people use home made products for this and base them around a main protein ingredient. Hair is absorbent and after a laundry with no product applied yet is the perfect fourth dimension for a deep condition. This is because there is nothing sealing/ blocking the preoccupation of nutrients. Tyler loves doing this. Learn more with our guidebook – 5 reasons you should deep condition .

5. Go homemade

As we touched on above, some people use family made products and we love this. Shop bought products contain natural products but besides can have manmade chemicals that keep the ingredients from separating and to make them look pretty so we buy them. With homemade products we can rest assured that there is nothing but whatever we choose to include. It can be daunting but it is a good opportunity to experiment and find out what your hair likes. A agile google search should bring up some recipes. Some democratic ingredients we have come across include coconut vegetable oil, jojoba petroleum, raw shea butter, aloe vera mousse and bare-assed egg ( yes egg ) equitable to name a few. Speak to your grandma or aunt, you never know, there might already be a recipe in the kin. Celai detailed her homemade hair tea, which she made with her mother, when we interviewed her. This one is capital for if you ‘re trying to figure out how to treat afro hair at home. Learn more about the pros and cons of going home-made .

6. Don’t wash your hair too frequently

You should be washing your hair’s-breadth approximately once a workweek at the most. moisture is key for our haircloth to grow and a high volume wash routine can leave our hair dry and without protection which will ultimately lead to damage and breakage. many people wash once a workweek and others wash once every two weeks. Tyler and Sharna speak about this. Find what works for you .

7. Cut off split/ dead ends

While it can be tempting to hold onto all of your hair and delay for it to grow. not getting rid of split and damaged ends can be stunting your haircloth increase. As new hair’s-breadth grows from the roots, the rate of breakage from the ends can match it. This makes it look like your hair has stopped growing. many people are surprised that when they clean up their hair routine, their hair’s-breadth grows past what they thought for possible for their head. Don ’ deoxythymidine monophosphate be afraid, just cut off split and damaged ends. many people are fans of this technique, Sharna, Tyler & Manna feel stormily about this matchless .

8. Apply product to freshly washed hair

a soon as you have washed your hair and dried it enough to stop the drips, apply product. The job of a good merchandise is to seal in the moisture. If you are applying product to dry hair, it can appear moisturised because of the shine but you can actually be sealing dry hair which can cause damage in the long run. Try castor oil or a forget in conditioner .

9. Apply product before applying heat

Following on from above, it can be tempting to blow dry your hair straight after a wash equitable to get rid of the surfeit water but this is a quick way to damage your hair. The ends of your hair are more susceptible to damage simply because it is older and this is the foremost separate that will dry. While you wait for your scalp areas to dry you will continually damage the center and ends. To be dependable, towel dry finely to stop drips then apply merchandise and blow dry if you have to. Don ’ thyroxine use the hottest temperature. Blessed uses pink hair lotion .

10. Wrap up your hair

Wrapping up your hair overnight is a must. The pillow covers will drain the moisture from your hair. Get a silk head envelop or bonnet of some classify. Some people can be irritated by sleeping with something on their head so a silk pillow case is an alternative. Ebonie lives by this one, it in truth utilitarian for afro hair’s-breadth growth. We ‘ve got a whole guidebook on pillowcases for hair’s-breadth care and it takes you through the differences between silk and satin .

11. Use different products for your hair and scalp

hair products are bang-up for protecting your hair and encouraging increase but can be bad for your scalp. Your hair and scalp should be treated differently. Your scalp wants to be able to breathe, it can get irritate if the pores get blocked which can cause your head to itch and evening cause spots. Some of us are more medium to others. A healthy scalp can encourage hair, it shouldn ’ t be dry. Blessed talks about this in her interview, she uses pink hair lotion for her hair and pure coconut oil for her scalp .

12. Look after your edges

For some of us, edges can be truly frustrating while for others their edge haircloth seems arsenic strong as the rest of the mind. Edges can be easy to damage because they are correct on the hair trace and are the first channel of defensive structure. When you expressive style your hair make surely you don ’ metric ton neglect your edges. You can use styling gel or moisturise slightly more frequently than the rest of your haircloth. Leah uses Eco-styler mousse .

13. Careful combing

Make sure your hair has lots of moisture when you come it. It is army for the liberation of rwanda easier to detangle humidify hair’s-breadth and minimize self inflicted breakage. When your hair is dry, you could be used to combing vitamin a firm as possible whilst grabbing hold of the roots to minimise pain. The truth is, hair doesn ’ thyroxine have to be afflictive to come. sometimes being wet is all that is needed but if you have extra close curls try a detangler. Try a bad tooth comb besides .

14. Take action and do what feels right for you

The advice in this article is no secret. You would probably have learn of many of these tips at some point. The key is to take action, don ’ thyroxine be afraid to try out some of what you have read here. It can be hard to break habits but that is precisely what you will need to do to grow your hair’s-breadth. To make it easily, take the tip that stood out most to you and try it first. besides, there is lots of advice all over the internet. It is slowly to get lost however, everyone is different and what works for person else might not work for you. ultimately, you have to experiment, don ’ t be afraid to fail and do what works for you .

15. (BONUS) – Look at your diet

It silent surprises us how many people neglect their diet. many benefits come from a healthy balanced diet, not merely beautiful hair’s-breadth. This is a beneficial place to start, the problem is that it can much be the most difficult thing to implement because our diets are a big part of us. Try to be honest with yourself and cut out anything that might be harming your health. Do research and find products that can help you. One thing we are adult fans of is reducing your consumption of dairy or cutting it completely if you can .

7 vitamins and minerals for growing healthy afro hair
Everything you need to know

We need vitamins to grow potent healthy hair but which ones are they ? here ‘s the complete list and precisely where you can find them .

Vitamins & Supplements

Vitamins for afro hair increase is a topic that has been debated for a long meter. Some people live by them and see results quickly, whereas others do n’t like the theme and say your convention diet is equitable very well. There are enough of hair growth vitamins and Biotin is the one that stands out for blacken hair.

It is part of the Vitamin B family and is required for strong healthy nails and hair. People with a Vitamin B insufficiency much have flimsy hair and brittle nails although this is very rare. The vitamin is naturally occurring in foods such as eggs, almonds and some seeds. You can get biotin supplements in three forms, soft-gels, tablets and liquid. The liquid biotin is popular because it allows you to control the dose more easily, which brings me to the negatives. Lots of people have complained that it gives them bad skin/ acne although desire to keep using it because it helps their hair grow faster, so they follow these rules ;

  1. Start with a low dosage and if you start getting acne, lower the dosage even more.
  2. Drink a LOT lots of water. Many people said this helped them. Set a goal to drink so many litres a days and make sure you reach it.
  3. Take a multivitamin containing other members of the vitamin B family. These are said to help your body break Biotin down more easily.

There is little scientific evidence that Biotin actually works and as I have said there are conflicting views on the supplement. Make certain to do your own research, take reviews and please be careful. We have written a dispatch steer on the 7 vitamins and minerals you need to grow strong healthy hair so check it out if you want to learn more .

16. (BONUS) – Education, read books

Learning how to take care of your hair is something that can take a long time but once you know how, it will never leave you. It is something you can pass down to your children and share with family members. Chances are, they have identical like hair to yourself. My distributor point is, enjoy the travel and do n’t worry about how hanker it takes to learn how to get there. Reading books is a great way of learning about our haircloth. Authors spend a fortune of meter research and editing them to be perfective so we do n’t have to go and scrape in concert all the information ourselves. It ‘s perplex that we get years worth of campaign in equitable a few clicks. On Amazon you can search for “ afro hair’s-breadth ebook ”, then use the filter to sort by well rated. I found some books on hair care techniques, the history of afro hair and even children ‘s books to give them confidence in their hair’s-breadth early on. here ‘s the results. If you have a Kindle ebook reviewer, you can get started square away. If not, you can order a distribute of these as a physical copy. here ‘s a few that are worth a look ; If You Love It, It Will Grow: A Guide To Healthy, Beautiful Natural Hair – Written by the best sell generator, Dr. Phoenyx Austin, this script is a filled with adept advice on how to grow afro textured haircloth. If you want a arrant guide on all the things that are good and regretful for our hair’s-breadth, this is for you. Get it here. The Science of Black Hair: A Comprehensive Guide to Textured Hair Care – As the deed says, this is a deep attend at afro textured hair. so if you are a person who likes to understand “ why ” you are doing something, this is for you. You do n’t have to be a scientist to understand the book, it is written in a direction that anyone can pick it up and learn from it. Learn more here. Hair Love – An perplex children ‘s bible that is focused on a black forefather and daughter. It ‘s very popular so you might have seen this one already. If not, you are decidedly missing out. Check it out here and read the reviews. How to Grow Your Hair Healthy & Long with Natural Oils: Choose the Right Oils & Learn How to Use Them to Achieve Optimal Growth – Abi Faniran starts off the reserve by answering a lot of questions about why natural oils are good, how they are produced and which ones are best for our hair. She besides covers the difference between oils and moisturisers so one decidedly doesn ’ triiodothyronine replace the early. In the pursuit sections we learn about all the different hair issues and how oil help. These include hair thin, hair passing, scalp issues, breakage, crisp hair’s-breadth and thus on. It is a accomplished template with over 150 ages of data where Abi covers 40 different natural oils and substantial up to date recipes to give you the best prospect of getting the hair’s-breadth you want. It ’ sulfur comfortable to read and is fully of utilitarian information that you can use straight away. Get it here. You can look inside for a preview on this one .

Shopping Online

Hey guys, we know our readers are from all over the world. Most of our intersection suggestions lead to Amazon because they have closely everything. The problem is that all of you don ’ metric ton have access to Amazon so if you see anything you like and want to buy on-line, you can try AliExpress who ship worldwide. AliExpress – China ’ s answer to Amazon. Better for individuals, just look out for unusual price on products. Good for raw products like shea butter and necessity oils. Amazon – here ‘s the highest rated afro hair products on Amazon .


There are batch or natural hair products and remedies out there. For some people, you will get golden and it will work for you quickly. For most of us, it will take a while. The problem with haircloth is that it can seem to grow slowly. To see results, we have to choose something and stay to it for a while. When it comes to afro haircloth growth, we struggle a lot more than people with other hair types. It ‘s like some of them can get long health hair apparently by accident. normal products, washing casual, a few trims a year and done. The great thing is that when we get it properly, we can wear our hair like a crown and it is something to be proud of. If you ‘ve been wondering how to grow afro hair fast, that ‘s probably the wrong way to look at it. Your hair will grow at the rate it normally grows assuming you are healthy. What you should focus on is things like keeping your natural hair regrowth in tact. This means focusing on keeping the haircloth from breaking and falling off ascribable to neglect, miss of a proper hair’s-breadth care routine and wrong. The tips above should give you what you need to get started on your travel to healthy natural hair. Like these tips ? Let us know. Share your travel with us, if not with us then share them with your residential district. Follow us on IG @ naturalafrohair and Facebook @ naturalafrohaircare What are your thoughts on this article ? Do you have anything to add to the list ? Are you planning to try any of these tips out or has some of them already worked for you ? We are constantly looking for blacken haircloth growth tips to share with our community and you can help. We have big article that lists of our favored afro hair’s-breadth products, check it out. Remember to try the intersection picker, it ‘s our modern tool that lets you choose your hair type and it gives you personalize product recommendations. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Some of the links in this article may be affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission at no additional cost to you if you decide to purchase something.

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source : https://nutritionline.net
Category : Healthy