NCC: Nutrition Coordinating Center

The Healthy Eating Index ( HEI ) is a cock developed by the United States Department of Agriculture and the National Cancer Institute to evaluate the extent to which diets are coherent with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. potential index points range from 0-100, with a higher score indicating greater consistency of the diet with the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The HEI-2015 is the most recent interpretation of the HEI and aligns with the 2015-2020 Dietary Guidelines for Americans. To learn more about the HEI including the components and scoring, snap here to visit the NCI web site .

HEI scores may be calculated using variables available in NDSR end product files. To facilitate generating HEI-2015 scores we have created SAS programs that allow for calculating HEI-2015 scores in treaty with two calculation approaches ( per each consumption day for each person and per person across all intake days ). The programs for both calculation approaches forecast sum HEI-2015 scores and scores for each of the 13 components of the index .

note that two SAS programs are available for each set about. One broadcast should be used for data collected using NDSR 2013 or any subsequent version of the program. The other platform should be used for data collected using NDSR 2012 or an earlier adaptation of the course of study. Please see the special instructions for calculating HEI-2015 scores for data collected using NDSR 2012 or an earlier version of the broadcast .

A Guide is available to support you in using the SAS code for calculating HEI-2015 scores.
Approach 1: SAS code for calculating HEI-2015 scores for each intake day for each person

The SAS programs below forecast HEI-2015 scores for person-level NDSR datum for each day of intake data, regardless of how many intake days are available for each person .
Approach 2: SAS code for calculating HEI-2015 scores per person when multiple days of intake data are available for each person
The SAS programs below calculate one HEI-2015 score per individual across all days of recalls or records collected, flush if some participants have varying number of intake days, including alone one .

Special Instructions for Calculating HEI-2015 Scores for Data Collected using NDSR 2012 or an Earlier Version of the Program

Before using one of the SAS programs provided for calculating HEI-2015 scores study data must be restored in NDSR 2012 or a subsequent version of the program if data were collected using an earlier version of the program. Restoration is required sol that all needed variables used for calculating HEI-2015 scores are available in the NDSR output files .

If some of your data for a specific study was collected using NDSR 2012 or an earlier version of the program and some was collected using NDSR 2013 or a subsequent version, we recommend using the SAS programs provided for calculating HEI-2015 scores for data collected using NDSR 2012 or an earlier version of the program for all of your study data. We recommend using the lapp SAS program to ensure HEI-2015 scores are calculated in an identical manner for all learn participants and all dietary consumption data collected from study participants. rationale for this recommendation : The SAS programs for calculating HEI-2015 scores for data collected using older versus newer versions of NDSR rely on different variables in NDSR output files for measuring servings of hale grains and refined grains. consequently, HEI-2015 scores calculated by each SAS program may differ as an artifact of the differences in whole grain and refined grain variables used in the calculations .

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Category : Healthy