many conditions can affect your liver. here ’ s a look at some of the independent ones .
hepatitis is defined as an inflammation of the liver. When that inflammation is caused by a virus, it ’ randomness referred to as viral hepatitis. hepatitis can cause liver-colored price, making it difficult for your liver to function as it should. Most types of viral hepatitis are contagious, but you can reduce your risk by getting vaccinated for types A and B and by taking early preventive steps, including using a condom during sex and not sharing needles. Five types of hepatitis include :
- Hepatitis A. Hepatitis A is typically spread through contact with contaminated food or water. Symptoms may clear up without treatment, but recovery can take a few weeks.
- Hepatitis B. This type of viral hepatitis can be acute (short-term) or chronic (long-term). It’s spread through bodily fluids, such as blood and semen. While hepatitis B is treatable, there’s no cure for it. Early treatment is key to avoiding complications, so it’s best to get regular screenings if you’re at risk.
- Hepatitis C. Hepatitis C can also be acute or chronic. It’s often spread through contact with blood from someone with hepatitis C. While it often doesn’t cause symptoms in its early stages, it can lead to permanent liver damage in its later stages.
- Hepatitis D. This is a serious form of hepatitis that only develops in people with hepatitis B — it can’t be contracted on its own. It can also be either acute or chronic.
- Hepatitis E. Hepatitis E is usually caused by drinking contaminated water. Generally, it clears up on its own within a few weeks without any lasting complications.
Fatty liver disease
Fat buildup in the liver-colored can lead to fatty liver-colored disease. There are two types of fatty liver-colored disease. These two types can manifest alone, or they can overlap :
- alcoholic fatty liver disease, which is caused by heavy alcohol consumption
- nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, which is caused by other factors experts are still trying to understand
Without management, both types of fatty liver-colored disease can cause liver damage, leading to cirrhosis and liver failure. Diet and other life style changes can often improve symptoms and lower your risk of complications .
Autoimmune conditions
Autoimmune conditions involve your immune organization mistakenly attacking healthy cells in your body. several autoimmune conditions involve your immune system attacking cells in your liver, including :
- Autoimmune hepatitis. This condition causes your immune system to attack your liver, resulting in inflammation. Without treatment, it can lead to cirrhosis and liver failure.
- Primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC). This results from damage to the bile ducts in your liver, causing a buildup of bile. PBC can eventually lead to cirrhosis and liver failure.
- Primary sclerosing cholangitis. This inflammatory condition causes gradual damage to your bile ducts. They eventually become blocked, causing bile to build up in your liver. This can lead to cirrhosis or liver failure.
Genetic conditions
respective genetic conditions, which you inherit from one of your parents, can besides affect your liver :
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- Hemochromatosis causes your body to store more iron than it needs. This iron remains in your organs, including your liver. This can lead to damage over a long period of time if not managed.
- Wilson’s disease causes your liver to absorb copper instead of releasing it into your bile ducts. Eventually, your liver may become too damaged to store more copper, allowing it to travel through your bloodstream and damage other parts of your body, including your brain.
- Alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency occurs when your liver can’t make enough alpha-1 antitrypsin, a protein that helps prevent enzyme breakdowns throughout your body. This condition can cause lung disease as well as liver disease. There’s no cure, but treatment can help.
Drug-induced liver disease
It ’ s potential to damage your liver-colored by overexposing it to certain drugs and supplements, as seen in a 2019 study. many times, this damage can be reversed once you stop taking the drug. But if it continues, the damage can become chronic .
Liver cancer first develops in your liver. If cancer starts elsewhere in the consistency but spreads to the liver, it ’ sulfur called secondary liver-colored cancer. The most coarse type of liver cancer is hepatocellular carcinoma. It tends to develop as several belittled spots of cancer in your liver, though it can besides start as a one tumor. Complications of other liver-colored diseases, specially those that aren ’ thymine treated, may contribute to the development of liver cancer .
cirrhosis refers to scarring that results from liver diseases and other causes of liver damage, such as alcohol use disorder. cystic fibrosis and syphilis may besides lead to liver damage and, finally, cirrhosis — although these two causes are much less common. Your liver can regenerate in response to damage, but this process normally results in the development of scar tissue. The more scar tissue that develops, the hard it is for your liver to function by rights. In its early stages, cirrhosis is frequently treatable by addressing the underlie induce. But without management, it can lead to other complications and become life threatening .
Liver failure
Chronic liver failure typically happens when a significant part of your liver is damaged and can ’ triiodothyronine function properly. by and large, liver failure related to liver disease and cirrhosis happens slowly. You may not have any symptoms at first gear. But over time, you might start to notice :
- jaundice
- diarrhea
- confusion
- fatigue and weakness
- nausea
It ’ s a unplayful condition that requires ongoing management. Acute liver failure, on the other hand, happens abruptly, much in reaction to an overdose or poison.
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