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9 Portion Size Mistakes That You Can Avoid

Do you think you are doing a dependable job of sticking to your healthy diet ? You might be. But chances are good that you are eating excessively much of certain foods. Almost everyone makes share size mistakes, particularly when they are trying to lose weight. These are the foods that most of us overeat .

share Size Mistakes

scan this list of normally eaten foods. It ‘s probably that you are overindulging in at least one of them. Remember, even healthy foods can derail your diet if you eat excessively much of them.


Whole grain cereal
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
When is the final time you measured your cereal before pouring it into a bowl ? Have you ever checked the Nutrition Facts label to determine the adjust serving size ?

For some cereals, one cup is the recommend serve size. But the American Diabetes Association lists 3/4 cup as a indicate serve. If you pour your cereal straight into the bowl, chances are good you are eating up to two servings. And if you refill the bowl ( as most of us do ) you may be eating 3-4 servings .

Quick Fix: Learn to make a healthier breakfast .

Chicken Breast

Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
thin protein is healthy, right ? not if you eat besides much of it. If you are eating a hale chicken breast for dinner, you might be eating excessively much .

The recommended single parcel of chicken is 3-4 ounces, about the size of a deck of playing cards. Some people use the decoration of their hired hand as a template. Depending on the seller, some chicken breasts are twice or even three times the size of a recommend serve. The calories in chicken breast can add up and ruin your diet .

Quick Fix: Learn to eat the right amount of protein .


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
If you are counting your ground beef patty as one serve of beef, you are credibly underestimating the calories you ‘ve consumed .

A quarter-pound hamburger ( four ounces ) is slenderly larger than the recommend serve size of three ounces. But many burgers, particularly those served at restaurants, are 1/3 to 1/2 pound. You might be eating twice deoxyadenosine monophosphate many calories as you think you are .

Quick Fix: Make better protein choices .

coffee cream pitcher

pouring coffee creamer into a glass of iced coffee
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
Your good morning cup of coffee might be the most fattening—and unhealthy—thing you consume all day if you add season cream pitcher. And you ‘re not off the bait if you use the nonfat variety since these typically have added sugars to compensate for taste. A unmarried helping of liquid cream pitcher is one tablespoon. Do you pull out the measurement spoons when you add cream to your chocolate ? credibly not .

If you are drinking more than the commend service ( remember to count each cup of coffee bean ! ) then the total carbohydrate in your nonfat cream pitcher starts to add up promptly .

Quick Fix: Learn to make low-calorie coffee drinks at home .

Cooking spray

spraying cooking spray into a muffin tin
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
You might skip the oil or butter when you cook goodly meals at home. This is good ! But you might be neglecting to account for the calories in your fudge spray. If you use PAM to avoid adding calories to your food you might want to know that a single serve of the spray is 1/4 of one second. Do you keep a stopwatch in your kitchen ? Most of us do n’t .

The Center for Science in the public Interest evaluated the spray and reported that a more typical six-second spray would have 50 calories and 6 grams of fat .

Quick Fix: Use healthy methods to cut fat when you cook .


Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman

Read more: Reviews

If you pack yourself a healthy lunch of a lean kernel and vegetable sandwich on whole-grain boodle, congratulations ! You are probably saving yourself from the belly-busting caloriefest that you ‘d experience if you went to a restaurant. But did you accurately record the calories in your solid grain bread ? If you think your sandwich equals one service, think again. For many boodle products, a single serve is only one slice of bread. possibly consider a boodle trade .

Quick Fix: Learn how to cut calories when making sandwiches .


fruit platter of blueberries, bananas, apples, and more
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
A healthy serve of fresh fruit is a capital alternative to a high-fat dessert. But if you are counting your calories or watching your sugar consumption you need to monitor how much you are eating. Take grapes for model. If you sit down with a bowling ball of grapes, you might add one serve of grapes to your food diary. amiss !

A single ( cup ) serve of grapes is entirely 16 grapes. Get out your calculator before you start chomping .

Quick Fix: Reduce your sugar intake .

sodium carbonate

Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
sugary drinks are one of the easiest things to overconsume. We frequently put them adjacent to us and mindlessly sip aside. But the calories in sodium carbonate add up, even if you only drink one a day ! And for many reasons, diet sodium carbonate is not a well alternative .

A serving size of Coke is 12 ounces. But most of us drink plenty more than that when we fill up at the pop fountain. A 7-11 Double Gulp contains 50 ounces and 575 calories .

Quick Fix: Learn to make season water to reduce nosh cravings .

Salad Dressing

Creamy salad dressing
Verywell / Alexandra Shytsman
A healthy salad is a capital alternate to a high starch, high-fat meal. But the salad dress can add calories that could make any prudent calorie counter blush. By some estimates, many restaurant salads contain over 500 calories, most much due to the fatty preen .

A serving size of salad dress is fair two tablespoons. If you rate your dressing on the side, your waiter will probably bring you much more than that and if you ‘re like many restaurant diners, you pour all of it on your salad .

Quick Fix: Make a salad that ‘s good for your diet

nutrition Facts vs. Portion Size

No matter what kind of food you are eating, share size matters. even if you are eating “ goodly ” food, you should be mindful of the sum that you consume. But you may not be able to use the Nutrition Facts label as a steer. This is a common blunder made by many .

The serving size listed on the label is not the recommended fortune size. It is just the amount that most people consume when they sit down to eat that particular food. It might besides be the sum of food listed in your automated food log or diet app. The best way to manage part control is to measure your foods with cheap kitchen tools like a quantify cup, measuring spoons, or ( my darling ) a digital scale. You can besides measure foods without a scale, but calibrate tools are more accurate. then keep a quick quide to the chastise assign sizes for weight loss posted nearby as a reference .

then, record the foods accurately with a calorie counting app. Most of the apps and websites allow you to customize your fortune when you add each food. You may be surprise how barely measuring your food makes a big dispute in your food inhalation and credibly in the direction your clothes fit .

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Category : Healthy