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The Throat, Your Voice & Swallowing
Doctor, Explain Tonsils and Adenoids
Salivary Glands
Sore Throats
Doctor, Why Am I Hoarse ?
A Healthy Voice
Common Voice Disorders
You & Your voice
Doctor, Explain Tonsils and Adenoids
Reading: Throat – ENT Docs
Insight into tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
Tonsils and adenoids are masses of weave that are exchangeable to the lymph nodes or “ glands ” found in the neck, groin, and armpits. Tonsils are the two masses on the back of the throat. Adenoids are high in the throat behind the intrude and the ceiling of the mouth ( soft palate ) and are not visible through the talk without special instruments .
Tonsils and adenoids are near the entrance to the breathe passages where they can catch entrance germs, which cause infections. They “ sample ” bacteria and viruses and can become infect themselves. Scientists believe they work as function of the body ’ s immune system by filtering germs that attempt to invade the consistency, and that they help to develop antibodies to germs .
This happens primarily during the first few years of life, becoming less significant as we get older. Children who must have their tonsils and adenoids removed suffer no personnel casualty in their underground .
What affects tonsils and adenoids?
The most common problems affecting the tonsils and adenoids are perennial infections ( throat or ear ) and meaning enlargement or obstruction that causes breathing and swallowing problems .
Abscesses around the tonsils, chronic tonsillitis, and infections of small pockets within the tonsils that produce fetid, cheese-like formations can besides affect the tonsils and adenoids, making them huffy and swollen. Tumors are rare, but can grow on the tonsils .
When should I see my doctor?
You should see your doctor when you or your child suffer the common symptoms of infect or enlarged tonsils or adenoids .
The Exam
The elementary methods used to check tonsils and adenoids are :
- Medical history
- Physical examination
- Throat cultures/Strep tests
- X-rays
- Blood tests
What should I expect at the exam?
Your doctor will ask about problems of the ear, nose, and throat and examine the head and neck. He or she will use a small mirror or a flexible light instrument to see these areas .
Cultures/strep tests are crucial in diagnosing certain infections in the throat, particularly “ streptococcus ” throat .
X-rays are sometimes helpful in determining the size and supreme headquarters allied powers europe of the adenoids. blood tests can determine problems such as infectious mononucleosis .
How are tonsil and adenoid diseases treated?
Bacterial infections of the tonsils, particularly those caused by streptococcus, are beginning treated with antibiotics. sometimes, removal of the tonsils and/or adenoids may be recommended. The two primary reasons for tonsil and/or pharyngeal tonsil removal are ( 1 ) perennial infection despite antibiotic therapy and ( 2 ) trouble breathing due to enlarged tonsils and/or adenoids .
such obstruction to breathing causes snoring and disturb rest that leads to daytime sleepiness in adults and behavioral problems in children. Some orthodontists believe chronic mouth breathing from large tonsils and adenoids causes malformations of the front and improper alliance of the dentition .
chronic contagion can affect other areas such as the eustachian tube – the passing between the back of the nose and the inside of the ear. This can lead to frequent ear infections and likely hearing passing .
holocene studies indicate adenoidectomy may be a beneficial treatment for some children with chronic earaches accompanied by fluid in the middle ear ( otitis media with effusion ) .
In adults, the possibility of cancer or a tumor may be another reason for removing the tonsils and adenoids .
In some patients, specially those with infectious infectious mononucleosis, dangerous expansion may obstruct the air passage. For those patients, discussion with steroids ( for example, cortisone ) is sometimes helpful .
Tonsillitis and its symptoms
tonsillitis is an infection in one or both tonsils. One sign is swelling of the tonsils. other signs or symptoms are :
- Redder than normal tonsils
- A white or yellow coating on the tonsils
- A slight voice change due to swelling
- Sore throat
- Uncomfortable or painful swallowing
- Swollen lymph nodes (glands) in the neck
- Fever
- Bad breath
Enlarged adenoids and their symptoms
If you or your child ’ second adenoids are enlarged, it may be heavily to breathe through the intrude .
Other signs of constant enlargement are:
- Breathing through the mouth instead of the nose most of the time
- Nose sounds “blocked” when the person speaks
- Noisy breathing during the day
- Recurrent ear infections
- Snoring at night
- Breathing stops for a few seconds at night during snoring or loud breathing (sleep apnea)
Your child
spill the beans to your child about his/her feelings and provide strong reassurance and support throughout the march. Encourage the idea that the procedure will make him/her goodly. Be with your child american samoa much as possible before and after the operating room. Tell him/her to expect a sore throat after operation. Reassure your child that the operation does not remove any crucial parts of the body, and that he/she will not look any different subsequently. If your child has a ally who has had this surgery, it may be helpful to talk about it with that friend .
Adults and children
For at least two weeks before any surgery, the patient should refrain from taking aspirin or other medications containing aspirin. ( warn : Children should never be given aspirin because of the risk of developing Reye ’ s syndrome ) .
If the affected role or patient ’ second family has had any problems with anesthesia, the surgeon should be informed. If the patient is taking any early medications, has sickle cell anemia, has a bleed disorderliness, is pregnant, has concerns about the transfusion of rake, or has used steroids in the by year, the surgeon should be informed .
A blood test and possibly a urine test may be required prior to operation .
generally, after midnight prior to the operation, nothing ( chewing chewing gum, mouthwashes, throat lozenges, toothpaste, urine ) may be taken by mouth. Anything in the stomach may be vomited when anesthesia is induced, and this is dangerous .
When the affected role arrives at the hospital or operation center, the anesthesiologist or nurse staff may meet with the patient and family to review the patient ’ mho history. The patient will then be taken to the operate room and given an anesthetic. intravenous fluids are normally given during and after operating room .
After the operation, the affected role will be taken to the recovery area. Recovery room staff will observe the affected role until discharged. Every patient is special, and convalescence times vary for each individual. many patients are released after 2-10 hours. Others are continue overnight. Intensive care may be needed for choice cases .
Your ENT specialist will provide you with the details of pre-operative and postoperative wish and answer any questions you may have .
After surgery
There are several postoperative symptoms that may arise. These include ( but are not limited to ) swallowing problems, vomiting, fever, throat pain, and ear annoyance. occasionally, bleeding may occur after surgery. If the patient has any run, your surgeon should be notified immediately .
Any questions or concerns you have should be discussed openly with your surgeon, who is there to assist you .
Salivary Glands
Where Are Your Salivary Glands?
The glands are found in and around your mouth and throat. We call the major salivary glands the parotid, submandibular, and sublingual glands .
They all secrete saliva into your mouth, the parotid through tubes that drain saliva, called salivary ducts, near your upper dentition, submandibular under your tongue, and the sublingual through many ducts in the floor of your mouth .
Besides these glands, there are many bantam glands called minor salivary glands located in your lips, inner buttock area ( buccal mucous membrane ), and extensively in other linings of your mouth and throat. salivary glands produce the saliva used to moisten your mouth, initiate digestion, and help protect your teeth from disintegrate .
As a good health meter, it is crucial to drink lots of liquids casual. Dehydration is a risk factor for salivary gland disease .
What Causes Gland Problems?
salivary gland problems that cause clinical symptoms include :
- ObstructionObstruction to the flow of saliva most commonly occurs in the parotid and submandibular glands, usually because stones have formed. Symptoms typically occur when eating. Saliva production starts to flow, but cannot exit the ductal system, leading to swelling of the involved gland and significant pain, sometimes with an infection.Unless stones totally obstruct saliva flow, the major glands will swell during eating and then gradually subside after eating, only to enlarge again at the next meal. Infection can develop in the pool of blocked saliva, leading to more severe pain and swelling in the glands. If untreated for a long time, the glands may become abscessed.It is possible for the duct system of the major salivary glands that connects the glands to the mouth to be abnormal. These ducts can develop small constrictions, which decrease salivary flow, leading to infection and obstructive symptoms.
- InfectionThe most common salivary gland infection in children is mumps, which involves the parotid glands. While this is most common in children who have not been immunized, it can occur in adults. However, if an adult has swelling in the area of the parotid gland only on one side, it is more likely due to an obstruction or a tumor.Infections also occur because of ductal obstruction or sluggish flow of saliva because the mouth has abundant bacteria.You may have a secondary infection of salivary glands from nearby lymph nodes. These lymph nodes are the structures in the upper neck that often become tender during a common sore throat. In fact, many of these lymph nodes are actually located on, within, and deep in the substance of the parotid gland or near the submandibular glands. When these lymph nodes enlarge through infection, you may have a red, painful swelling in the area of the parotid or submandibular glands. Lymph nodes also enlarge due to tumors and inflammation.
- TumorsPrimary benign and malignant salivary gland tumors usually show up as painless enlargements of these glands. Tumors rarely involve more than one gland and are detected as a growth in the parotid, submandibular area, on the palate, floor of mouth, cheeks, or lips. An otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon should check these enlargements.Malignant tumors of the major salivary glands can grow quickly, may be painful, and can cause loss of movement of part or all of the affected side of the face. These symptoms should be immediately investigated.
- Other DisordersSalivary gland enlargement also occurs in autoimmune diseases such as HIV and Sjцgren’s syndrome where the body’s immune system attacks the salivary glands causing significant inflammation. Dry mouth or dry eyes are common. This may occur with other systemic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis. Diabetes may cause enlargement of the salivary glands, especially the parotid glands. Alcoholics may have salivary gland swelling, usually on both sides.
How Does Your Doctor Make the Diagnosis?
diagnosis of salivary gland disease depends on the careful take of your history, a physical examination, and lab tests .
If your doctor suspects an obstruction of the major salivary glands, it may be necessary to anesthetize the first step of the salivary ducts in the mouth, and probe and dilate the duct to help an clogging stone pass. Before these procedures, dental x-rays may show where the calcify stones are located .
If a mass is found in the salivary gland, it is helpful to obtain a CT scan or a MRI ( magnetic resonance imaging ). sometimes, a fine needle aspiration biopsy in the doctor ’ s office is helpful. rarely, dye will be injected through the parotid duct before an x ray of the gland is taken ( a sialogram ) .
A brim biopsy of minor salivary glands may be needed to identify certain autoimmune diseases .
How Is Salivary Gland Disease Treated?
treatment of salivary diseases falls into two categories : checkup and surgical. survival of discussion depends on the nature of the problem. If it is due to systemic diseases ( diseases that involve the whole body, not one isolated sphere ), then the underlying problem must be treated. This may require consulting with other specialists. If the disease process relates to salivary gland obstruction and subsequent infection, your doctor of the church will recommend increase fluid intake and may prescribe antibiotics. sometimes an instrument will be used to open block ducts .
If a mass has developed within the salivary gland, removal of the bulk may be recommended. Most masses in the parotid gland sphere are benign ( noncancerous ). When operating room is necessary, big care must be taken to avoid damage to the facial nerve within this gland that moves the muscles face including the mouth and eye. When malignant masses are in the parotid gland, it may be possible to surgically remove them and preserve most of the facial steel. Radiation treatment is often recommended after surgery. This is typically administered four to six weeks after the surgical routine to allow adequate heal before beam .
The lapp general principles apply to masses in the submandibular area or in the minor salivary glands within the mouth and upper throat. Benign diseases are estimable treated by conservative measures or surgery, whereas malignant diseases may require surgery and postoperative irradiation. If the lout in the vicinity of a salivary gland is a lymph node that has become enlarged due to cancer from another site, then obviously a different treatment plan will be needed. An otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon can efficaciously direct treatment .
removal of a salivary gland does not produce a dry mouthpiece, called xerostomia. however, radiation therapy to the mouth can cause the unpleasant symptoms associated with reduce salivary flow. Your doctor can prescribe medication or early conservative treatments that may reduce the sobriety in these instances .
salivary gland diseases are due to many different causes. These diseases are treated both medically and surgically. Treatment is readily managed by an otolaryngologist–head and neck surgeon with experience in this area .
Sore Throats
What Causes a Sore Throat?
Sore throat is a symptom of many checkup disorders. Infections cause the majority of sore throats and are catching. Infections are caused either by viruses such as the influenza, the coarse cold, infectious mononucleosis, or by bacteria such as streptococcus, mycoplasma, or hemophilus .
While bacteria respond to antibiotic treatment, viruses do not.
Viruses: Most viral huffy throats accompany influenza or colds along with a stuffy, fluid intrude, sneezing, and popularize aches and pains. These viruses are highly contagious and spread quickly, particularly in winter. The body builds antibodies that destroy the virus, a process that takes about a workweek .
sore throats accompany early viral infections such as measles, chicken syphilis, whoop cough, and croup. Canker sores and fever blisters in the throat besides can be very atrocious .
One viral infection takes much longer than a week to be cured : infectious infectious mononucleosis, or “ mono. ” This virus lodges in the lymph organization, causing massive enlargement of the tonsils, with white patches on their surface and swell glands in the neck, armpits, and breakwater. It creates a hard sensitive throat and, sometimes, good breathing difficulties. It can affect the liver, leading to jaundice- yellow skin and eyes. It besides causes extreme fatigue that can last six weeks or more .
“ Mono, ” a dangerous illness in teenagers but less severe in children, can he transmitted by saliva. So it has been nicknamed the “ kissing disease, ” but it can besides be transmitted from mouth-to-hand to hand-to-mouth or by sharing of towels and eating utensils .
Bacteria: Strep throat is an contagion caused by a particular strain of streptococcus bacteria. This infection can besides damage the heart valves ( arthritic fever ) and kidneys ( nephritis ), cause scarlet fever, tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, and ear infections .
Because of these possible complications, a streptococcal throat should be treated with an antibiotic. Strep is not constantly easy to detect by examination, and a throat acculturation may be needed. These tests, when positivist, persuade the doctor to prescribe antibiotics. however, streptococcal tests might not detect other bacteria that besides can cause austere huffy throats that deserve antibiotic discussion. For example, austere and chronic cases of tonsillitis or tonsillar abscess may be culture negative. similarly, negative cultures are seen with diphtheria, and infections from oral sexual contacts will escape detection by streptococcus culture tests .
tonsillitis is an contagion of the lumpy tissues on each slope of the back of the throat.In the beginning two to three years of childhood, these tissues “ catch ” infections, sampling the child ’ mho environment to help develop his immunities ( antibodies ). Healthy tonsils do not remain infect. Frequent sore throats from tonsillitis suggest the contagion is not amply eliminated between episodes. A aesculapian report has shown that children who suffer from frequent episodes of tonsillitis ( such as three- to four- times each year for several years ) were healthier after their tonsils were surgically removed .
Infections in the nose and sinuses besides can cause afflictive throats, because mucus from the intrude drains down into the throat and carries the contagion with it .
The most dangerous throat infection is epiglottitis, caused by bacteria that infect a assign of the larynx ( voice box ) and cause swelling that closes the air passage. This infection is an hand brake condition that requires motivate medical attention. Suspect it when swallowing is extremely irritating ( causing drooling ), when speech is muffled, and when breathing become unmanageable. A streptococcal test may miss this infection .
Allergy: The same pollens and molds that irritate the nose when they are inhaled besides may irritate the throat. Cat and frump danders and sign of the zodiac dust are common causes of sensitive throats for people with allergies to them .
Irritation: During the cold winter months, dry heat may create a recur, mild sore throat with a parched feel, specially in the mornings. This often responds to humidification of bedroom air and increased liquid consumption. Patients with a chronic airless nose, causing mouth rest, besides suffer with a dry throat. They need interrogation and treatment of the nose .
Pollutants and chemicals in the air can irritate the nose and throat, but the most park atmosphere pollutant is tobacco pot. other irritants include smokeless tobacco, alcoholic beverages, and blue foods .
A person who strains his or her voice ( yelling at a sports event, for case ) gets a sensitive throat not merely from brawn breed but besides from the rough treatment of his or her throat membranes .
ebb : An periodic lawsuit of good morning sensitive throat is regurgitation of stomach acids up into the back of the throat. To avoid reflux, tilt your bedstead so that the promontory is elevated four- to six- inches higher than the foot of the bed. You might find antacid helpful. You should besides avoid eating within three hours of bedtime, and eliminate caffeine and alcohol. If these tips fail, see your repair .
Tumors : Tumors of the throat, tongue, and larynx ( part box ) are normally ( but not constantly ) associated with long-time use of tobacco and alcohol. Sore throat and difficulty swallowing-sometimes with annoyance radiating to the ear-may be symptoms of such a tumor. More often the sore throat is thus balmy or then chronic that it is barely noticed. early authoritative symptoms include gruffness, a lump in the neck, unexplained system of weights loss, and/or spitting up blood in the saliva or emotionlessness .
When Should I See a Doctor?
Whenever a sore throat is severe, persists longer than the usual five- to seven- day duration of a cold or influenza, and is not associated with an evitable allergy or irritation, you should seek checkup attention. The following signs and symptoms should alert you to see your doctor :
- Severe and prolonged sore throat
- Difficulty breathing
- Difficulty swallowing
- Difficulty opening the mouth
- Joint pain
- Earache
- Rash
- Fever (over 101°)
- Blood in saliva or phlegm
- Frequently recurring sore throat
- Lump in neck
- Hoarseness lasting over two weeks
When should I take antibiotics?
Antibiotics are drugs that kill or mar bacteria. Penicillin or erythromycin ( well-known antibiotics ) are prescribed when the doctor suspects streptococcal or another bacterial infection that responds to them. however, a number of bacterial throat infections require other antibiotics alternatively. Antibiotics do not cure viral infections, but viruses do lower the affected role ’ s resistance to bacterial infections. When such a compound infection occurs, antibiotics may be recommended. When an antibiotic is prescribed, it should be taken as the doctor directs for the full course ( normally 10 days ). Otherwise the infection will credibly be suppressed preferably than eliminated, and it can return. Some children will experience perennial infection despite antibiotic treatment. When some of these are streptococcal infections or are austere, your child may require a tonsillectomy .
Should other family members be treated or cultured?
When a streptococcal test is positivist, many experts recommend treatment or culture of early syndicate members. Practice estimable sanitary habits ; avoid close physical contact, and sharing of napkins, towels, and utensils with the septic person. Handwashing makes good sense .
What if my throat culture is negative?
A streptococcal culture tests only for the presence of streptococcal infections. many other infections, both bacterial and viral, will yield negative cultures and sometimes therefore does a streptococcal infection. consequently, when your culture is negative, your doctor will base his/her decision for discussion on the badness of your symptoms and the appearance of your throat on examination .
How Can I Treat My Sore Throat?
A balmy sore throat associated with cold or influenza symptoms can be made more comfortable with the following remedies :
- Increase your liquid intake.
- Warm tea with honey is a favorite home remedy.
- Use a steamer or humidifier in your bedroom.
- Gargle with warm salt water several times daily: ј tsp. salt to Ѕ cup water.
- Take over-the-counter pain relievers such as acetaminophen (Tylenol Sore Throat, Tempra) or ibuprofen (Motrin IB, Advil).
Doctor, Why Am I Hoarse?
Insight into causes, prevention, and when to see an ENT
What Is It?
Hoarseness is a general term that describes abnormal spokesperson changes. When gruff, the part may sound breathy, grating, strained, or there may be changes in volume ( flashiness ) or pitch ( how high gear or low the voice is ). The changes in sound are normally due to disorders related to the vocal cords that are the sound producing parts of the voice corner ( larynx ). While breathing, the vocal cords remain apart. When speaking or singing, they come in concert, and as air leaves the lungs, they vibrate, producing strait. Swelling or lumps on the vocal music cords prevent them from coming together properly and changes the way the cords oscillate, which makes a variety in the voice, altering quality, book, and pitch .
What Are the Causes?
acute accent laryngitis : There are many causes of gruffness. fortunately, most are not good and tend to go away in a light period of fourth dimension. The most coarse campaign is acute laryngitis, which normally occurs due to swelling from a coarse cold, upper berth respiratory tract viral infection, or irritation caused by excessive voice function such as screaming at a sport event or rock concert .
vocal Nodules : More elongated gruffness is normally due to using your spokesperson either excessively a lot, besides obstreperously, or improperly over extended periods of time. These habits can lead to outspoken nodules ( singers ’ nodes ), which are callous-like growths, or may lead to polyps of the vocal cords ( more across-the-board swelling ). Both of these conditions are benign. vocal music nodules are coarse in children and adults who raise their voice in solve or shimmer .
Open Voice Box
Closed Voice Box
Gastroesophageal Reflux: A common campaign of gruffness is gastro-esophageal ebb, when stomach acid comes up the swallow tube ( esophagus ) and irritates the vocal cords. many patients with reflux-related changes of voice do not have symptoms of heartburn. normally, the voice is worse in the dawn and improves during the day. These people may have a ace of a hunk in their throat, mucus sticking in their throat or an excessive desire to clear their throat .
Smoking: Smoking is another cause of gruffness. Since smoke is the major cause of throat cancer, if smokers are gruff, they should see an ent man .
Other Causes: many unusual causes for gruffness include allergies, thyroid gland problems, neurological disorders, injury to the voice box, and occasionally, the normal menstrual cycle .
Who Can Treat My Hoarseness?
gruffness due to a cold or influenza may be evaluated by family physicians, pediatricians, and internists ( who have learned how to examine the larynx ). When gruffness lasts longer than two weeks or has no obvious induce it should be evaluated by an otolaryngologist–head and neck surgeon ( auricle, nose and throat doctor ). Problems with the voice are best managed by a team of professionals who know and understand how the voice functions. These professionals are otolaryngologist–head and neck surgeons, speech/language pathologists, and teachers of cantabile, acting, or public public speaking. voice disorders have many different characteristics that may give professionals a clue to the lawsuit .
How Is Hoarseness Evaluated?
An ent man will obtain a exhaustive history of the gruffness and your general health. Your doctor will normally look at the vocal music cords with either a mirror placed in the bet on of your throat, or a very little, lighted flexible tube ( fiber-optic setting ) may be passed through your nose in decree to view your vocal cords. Videotaping the interrogation or using stroboscopy ( slow motion assessment ) may besides help with the analysis .
These procedures are not uncomfortable and are well tolerated by most patients. In some cases, particular tests ( known as acoustic analysis ) designed to evaluate the voice, may be recommended. These measure spokesperson irregularities, how the articulation sounds, airflow, and other characteristics that are helpful in establishing a diagnosis and directing treatment
When should I see an otolaryngologist (ENT doctor)?
- Hoarseness lasting longer than two weeks especially if you smoke
- Pain not from a cold or flu
- Coughing up blood
- Difficulty swallowing
- Lump in the neck
- Loss or severe change in voice lasting longer than a few days
How Are Vocal Disorders Treated?
The treatment of gruffness depends on the lawsuit. Most gruffness can be treated by plainly resting the voice or modifying how it is used. The ent man may make some recommendations about voice use behavior, refer the patient to other voice team members, and in some instances recommend surgery if a lesion, such as a polyp, is identified. avoidance of smoke or vulnerability to secondhand smoke ( passive fume ) is recommended to all patients. Drinking fluids and possibly using medications to thin the mucus are besides helpful .
Specialists in speech/language pathology ( voice therapists ) are trained to assist patients in behavior modification that may help eliminate some voice disorders. Patients who have developed bad habits, such as smoke or overexploitation of their voice by yelling and screaming, benefit most from this button-down approach. The speech/language diagnostician may teach patients to alter their method of lecture production to improve the audio of the articulation and to resolve problems, such as song nodules. When a patients ’ problem is specifically related to singing, a singing teacher may help improve the patients ’ singing techniques .
What can I Do to Prevent and Treat Hoarseness?
- If you smoke, quit
- Avoid agents that dehydrate the body, such as alcohol and caffeine
- Avoid secondhand smoke
- Drink plenty of water.
- Humidify your home.
- Watch your diet–avoid spicy foods.
- Try not to use your voice too long or too loudly.
- Use a microphone if possible in situations where you need to project your voice.
- Seek professional voice training.
- Avoid speaking or singing when your voice is injured or hoarse.
A Healthy Voice
Voice problems normally are associated with gruffness ( besides known as harshness ), instability, or problems with spokesperson survival. If you are unsure if you have an unhealthy voice, ask yourself the following:
- Has your voice become hoarse or raspy?
- Does your throat often feel raw, achy or strained?
- Has it become an effort to talk?
- Do you repeatedly clear your throat?
- Do people regularly ask you if you have a cold when in fact you do not?
- Have you lost your ability to hit some high notes when singing?
Voice problems arise from a variety of sources including voice overexploitation or misuse, cancer, infection, or injury. here are steps that can be taken to prevent voice problems and maintain a healthy voice :
- Drink water (stay well hydrated): Keeping your body well hydrated by drinking plenty of water each day (6-8 glasses) is essential to maintaining a healthy voice. The vocal cords vibrate extremely fast even with the most simple sound production; remaining hydrated through water consumption optimizes the throat’s mucous production, aiding vocal cord lubrication. To maintain sufficient hydration avoid or moderate substances that cause dehydration. These include alcohol and caffeinated beverages (coffee, tea, soda). And always increase hydration when exercising.
- Do not smoke: It is well known that smoking leads to lung or throat cancer. Primary and secondhand smoke that is breathed in passes by the vocal cords causing significant irritation and swelling of the vocal cords. This will permanently change voice quality, nature, and capabilities.
- Do not abuse or misuse your voice: Your voice is not indestructible. In every day communication, be sure to avoid habitual yelling, screaming, or cheering. Try not to talk loudly in locations with significant background noise or noisy environments. Be aware of your background noise—when it becomes noisy, significant increases in voice volume occur naturally, causing harm to your voice. If you feel like your throat is dry, tired, or your voice is becoming hoarse, stop talking.
- To reduce or minimize voice abuse or misuse use non-vocal or visual cues to attract attention, especially with children. Obtain a vocal amplification system if you routinely need to use a “loud” voice especially in an outdoor setting. Try not to speak in an unnatural pitch. Adopting an extremely low pitch or high pitch can cause an injury to the vocal cords with subsequent hoarseness and a variety of problems.
- Minimize throat clearing: Clearing your throat can be compared to slapping or slamming the vocal cords together. Consequently, excessive throat clearing can cause vocal cord injury and subsequent hoarseness. An alternative to voice clearing is taking a small sip of water or simply swallowing to clear the secretions from the throat and alleviate the need for throat clearing or coughing. The most common reason for excessive throat clearing is an unrecognized medical condition causing one to clear their throat too much. Common causes of chronic throat clearing include gastroesophageal reflux, laryngopharyngeal reflux disease, sinus and/or allergic disease.
- Moderate voice use when sick: Reduce your vocal demands as much as possible when your voice is hoarse due to excessive use or an upper respiratory infection (cold). Singers should exhibit extra caution if one’s speaking voice is hoarse because permanent and serious injury to the vocal cords are more likely when the vocal cords are swollen or irritated. It is important to “listen to what your voice is telling you.”
Your voice is an highly valuable resource and is the most normally exploited class of communication. Our voices are invaluable for both our social interaction deoxyadenosine monophosphate well as for most people ’ s occupation. Proper worry and use of your voice will give you the best casual for having a healthy voice for your integral life .
Hoarseness or crudeness in your voice is often caused by a medical problem. Contact an otolaryngologist†” head and neck surgeon if you have any sustained changes to your voice .
Common Voice Disorders
Most changes in the voice leave from a checkup disorder. bankruptcy to seek a doctor ’ second care can lead to hoarseness and more good problems. They include :
- LaryngitisLaryngitis is a swelling of the vocal cords usually due to an infection. A viral infection (a “cold”) of the upper respiratory track is the most common cause for infection of the voice box. When the vocal cords swell in size, they vibrate differently, leading to hoarseness. The best treatment for this condition is to rest or reduce your voice use and stay well hydrated. Since most of these infections are caused by a virus, antibiotics are not effective. It is important to be cautious with your voice during an episode of laryngitis, because the swelling of the vocal cords increases the risk for serious injury such as blood in the vocal cords or formation of vocal cord nodules, polyp, or cysts.
- Vocal cord lesionsBenign noncancerous growths on the vocal cords are caused by voice misuse or overuse and from trauma or injury to the vocal cords. These lesions (“bumps”) on the vocal cord(s) alter vocal cord vibration. This abnormal vibration results in hoarseness and a chronic change in one’s voice quality, including roughness, raspiness, and an increased effort to talk. The most common vocal cord lesions include vocal nodules also known as “singer’s nodes” or “nodes” which are similar to “calluses ” of the vocal cords. They typically occur on both vocal cords opposite each other. These lesions are usually treated with voice rest and speech therapy (to improve the speaking technique thus removing the trauma on the vocal cords). Vocal cord polyp(s) or cyst(s) are other common vocal cord lesions caused by misuse, overuse, or trauma to the vocal cords and frequently require surgical removal after all nonsurgical treatment options (i.e., speech therapy) have failed.
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease and laryngopharyngeal reflux diseaseReflux (backflow of gastric contents) into the throat of stomach acid can cause a variety of symptoms in the esophagus (swallowing tube) as well as in the throat. Hoarseness (chronic or intermittent), swallowing problems, a foreign body sensation, or throat pain are common symptoms of gastric acid irritation of the throat, called laryngopharyngeal reflux disease (LPRD). LPRD is difficult to diagnose because approximately half of the patients with this disorder have no heartburn symptoms which traditionally accompany gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD).Your gastric acid can flow up to the throat at any time. The at-night aspect of LPRD is thought to be the hardest to diagnose because there are usually no specific symptoms while the reflux occurs. Consequently, patients will awake with throat irritation, hoarseness, and throat discomfort without knowing the cause. An examination of the throat by an otolaryngologist will determine if stomach acid is causing irritation of the throat and voice box.
- Poor speaking techniqueImproper or poor speaking technique is caused from speaking at an abnormally or uncomfortable pitch, either too high or too low, and leads to hoarseness and a variety of other voice problems. Examples of this condition are when young adult females, in a work environment, consciously or subconsciously choose to speak at a lower than appropriate pitch and with a heavy voice. Percussive speaking, a voice too loud or focusing on the first syllable of each word, is another improper speaking technique that may result in injury or trauma to the vocal cords and muscles causing “vocal fatigue”.Other factors leading to improper speaking technique include insufficient or improper breathing while talking, specifically breathing from the shoulders or neck area instead of from the lower chest or abdominal area. The consequence of this practice is increased tension in the throat and neck muscles, which can cause hoarseness and a variety of symptoms, especially pain and fatigue associated with talking. Voice problems can also occur from using your voice in an unnatural position, such as talking on the phone cradled to your shoulder. This requires excessive tension in the neck and laryngeal muscles, which changes the speaking technique and may result in a voice problem.
- Vocal cord paralysisHoarseness and other problems can occur related to problems between the nerves and muscles within the voice box or larynx. The most common condition is a paralysis or weakness of one or both vocal cords. Involvement of both vocal cords is rare and is usually manifested by noisy breathing or difficulty getting enough air while breathing or talking. However, one vocal cord can become paralyzed or severely weakened (paresis) after a viral infection of the throat, after surgery in the neck or cheek, or for unknown reasons.The immobile or paralyzed vocal cord typically causes a soft, breathy, weak voice due to poor vocal cord closure. Most paralyzed vocal cords will recover on their own within several months. There is a possibility that the paralysis may become permanent, which may require surgical treatment. Surgery for unilateral vocal cord paralysis involves positioning of the vocal cord to improve the vibration of the paralyzed vocal cord with the non-paralyzed vocal cord. There are a variety of surgical techniques used to reposition the vocal cord. Sometimes speech therapy may be used before or after surgical treatment of the paralyzed vocal cords or sometimes as the sole treatment. Treatment choices depend on the nature of the vocal cord paralysis as well as the patient’s voice demands.
- Throat cancerThroat cancer is a very serious condition requiring immediate medical attention. When cancer attacks the vocal cords, the voice changes in quality, assuming the characteristics of chronic hoarseness, roughness, or raspiness. These symptoms occur at an early stage in the development of the cancer. It is important to remember that prompt attention to changes in the voice facilitate early diagnosis thus early and successful treatment of vocal cord cancer can be obtained.Persistent hoarseness or change in the voice for longer than two to four weeks in a smoker should prompt evaluation by an otolaryngologist to determine if there is cancer of the larynx (voice box). Different treatment options for this cancer of the voice box include surgery, radiation therapy, and/or chemotherapy. When vocal cord cancer is found early, typically only surgery or radiation therapy is required, and the cure rate is high (greater than 90 percent).Hoarseness or roughness in your voice is often caused by a medical problem. Contact an otolaryngologist—head and neck surgeon if you have any sustained changes to your voice.
You & Your Voice
What is voice?
“ Voice ” is the sound made by oscillation of the vocal music cords caused by air passing out through the larynx bringing the cords closer in concert. Your voice is an highly valuable resource and is the most normally used phase of communication. Our articulation is invaluable for both our social interaction american samoa well as for most people ’ mho occupation. Proper care and use of your voice improves the likelihood of having a healthy voice for your entire life .
How do I know if I have a voice problem?
Voice problems occur with a change in the voice, much described as gruffness, crudeness, or a grating quality. People with spokesperson problems much complain about or detect changes in pitch, passing of voice, loss of endurance, and sometimes a sharp or dense trouble associated with voice use. early voice problems may accompany a change in singing ability that is most noteworthy in the amphetamine singe range. A more serious problem is indicated by spitting up lineage or when blood is salute in the mucus. These require prompt attention by an ent man .
What is the most common cause of a change in your voice?
voice changes sometimes follow an upper berth respiratory infection lasting up to two weeks. typically the upper respiratory infection or cold causes swelling of the song cords and changes their vibration resulting in an abnormal voice. Reduced voice function ( voice rest ) typically improves the articulation after an upper respiratory infection, cold, or bronchitis. If voice does not return to its normal characteristics and capabilities within two to four weeks after a cold, a medical evaluation by an ear, nozzle, and throat specialist is recommended. A throat examination after a change in the voice lasting longer than one month is particularly significant for smokers. ( note : A exchange in voice is one of the first and most important symptoms of throat cancer. early detection significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. )
Six tips to identify voice problems:
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Ask yourself the following questions to determine if you have an unhealthy voice:
- Has your voice become hoarse or raspy?
- Does your throat often feel raw, achy, or strained?
- Does talking require more effort?
- Do you find yourself repeatedly clearing your throat?
- Do people regularly ask you if you have a cold when in fact you do not?
- Have you lost your ability to hit some high notes when singing?
A wide range of problems can lead to changes in your voice. Seek out a doctor ’ south care when voice problems persist .