We have different kinds of relationships with the people in our lives. We can have friendships, romantic relationships, or familial relationships ( person in our family or that we are related to ). What is authoritative in any type of relationship we have with person is that it is healthy and makes us feel good .
What does a healthy relationship look like?
A goodly kinship involves :
- Communication
- Respect
- Trust
- Honesty
- Equality
- Feeling comfortable to be yourself
Let ‘s break these winder elements down.
good communication in a relationship means that both you and the other person are good at talking and listening. It means you feel comfortable to talk to them about things that make you felicitous, or sad, scared or excited – and that they can talk to you about all of this excessively. It besides means you feel like the other person very listens to and tries to understand you when you talk to them. You feel like your opinions and thoughts mean something, and are n’t punch-drunk or dazed. And it besides means you listen to the early person and give them your broad attention. You feel comfortable to disagree with them on things and are able to talk about it .
This video from the Rosey Project offers lots utilitarian tips on how to talk to your partner about arouse. Remember : talking and communication is an significant character of any kinship, whether sexual or not .
Read more: Book Summary: Mind Really Own Business
deference is about caring about early people ‘s feelings, beliefs and opinions even if they are n’t the like as yours. It means caring and showing circumstance about another persons liveliness .
Trust means that you feel safe with another person, and that they would n’t do anything to harm you on purpose. You believe what they say to be on-key, and they believe what you say excessively .
Honesty is when another person tells the truth. You can be honest with the other person, and they can be honest with you.
Read more: How To Enjoy Eating Healthy
equality is when you both feel adequate – you can compromise on things together – and it does n’t feel like either of you have more power or control condition over the other person .
Feeling comfortable to be yourself
This means you feel like you can wear what you like, try new things, enjoy your hobbies, and express yourself however you want to. You can be yourself and not feel like you have to hide certain parts of your personality, or the things you like, from the early person .
Disagreements happen in relationships, and things wo n’t always be arrant. What is crucial is that you feel safe and happy with the other person .