overall, tangerines and oranges have alike food profiles. however, tangerines tend to have slenderly more calories per serving. They besides contain a few more grams of carbs. One noteworthy remainder between the nutrient profile of tangerines versus oranges is that oranges have more than double the amount of vitamin C. Vitamin C is a herculean antioxidant that helps support conjunction tissues including skin, blood vessels and bones ( 6 ). Oranges besides have slenderly more roughage than tangerines, making them a very good source of this beneficial carbohydrate. That said, tangerines contain more vitamin A per serving. One 3.5-ounce serve of tangerine provides 14 % of the daily respect, while oranges offer 4 %. Both tangerines and oranges provide a full variety of nutrients, including potassium, vitamin b1 and vitamin bc. Either fruit can be a alimentary, low-calorie accession to your diet .
Summary Tangerines contain more vitamin A than oranges, though oranges are lower in calories and higher in vitamin C and fiber. They are both good sources of vitamins and minerals, including vitamin b1, vitamin bc and potassium .
Potential Health Benefits
Oranges are a great source of highly absorbable vitamin C. Vitamin C is a water-soluble antioxidant that fights free radicals, which may play a function in cancer prevention ( 7, 8, 9 ). The majority of the health benefits of oranges are probable linked to their high vitamin C contented. A handful of studies have looked at the effects of orange consumption, particularly orange juice consumption, on diverse health factors. One study found that drinking orange juice decreased DNA damage. The study concluded that vitamin C, in junction with early plant compounds confront in oranges, likely played an active function in the decrease in damage ( 10 ). Another survey found that people who drank two cups of orange juice casual for 12 months had lower “ bad ” LDL cholesterol levels and lower full cholesterol than non-orange juice drinkers ( 11 ). furthermore, the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey ( NHANES III ) evaluated data from over 6,000 people. Those with the highest amounts of serum vitamin C had a significantly lower prevalence of Helicobacter pylori ( H. pylorus ), a bacteria responsible for causing stomach ulcers ( 12 ).
therefore, given the high vitamin C subject in oranges, consuming oranges may be beneficial in preventing digest ulcers caused by H. pylorus. additionally, studies have shown that drinking orange juice may help prevent the geological formation of calcium oxalate and uric acerb, which can contribute to kidney stones ( 13, 14 ). notice that most of these studies observed the effects of drink orange juice. however, by eating oranges, you besides benefit from the character, which is lost during juicing. Both whole tangerines and oranges are senior high school in fiber and relatively depleted in calories. Studies have shown that eating a high-fiber diet may be beneficial for weight decrease, decreasing the risk of heart disease and improving rake carbohydrate levels ( 15, 16, 17, 18 ). This makes tangerines and oranges a bright nosh choice for a poise, weight-reduction diet .
Summary Eating oranges may be associated with lower LDL and sum cholesterol levels, reduced DNA price and the prevention of stomach ulcers caused by H. pylorus. Tangerines and oranges can contribute to a high-fiber diet while providing few calories .
How to Eat and Enjoy Them
The best way to eat both tangerines and oranges is to simply peel them and eat them. Since tangerines are easier to peel, they can be used as a quick and easy bite, specially when you ’ re on the go. Both make big additions to salads, besides. When choosing a ripe tangerine, you will want to look for fruits that are deep in color, semi-soft and avoid those with brown spots. Oranges don ’ thymine necessarily have to be bright in color to be advanced, but you will want to choose oranges that are tauten and have smoothly textured hide. Both tangerines and oranges can be stored on the countertop at room temperature or in the refrigerator, depending on your predilection .
Summary Tangerines and oranges can be peeled and enjoyed clean. Both can be used to sweeten up salads, or as a quick and comfortable nosh .
The Bottom Line
Tangerines and oranges are both members of the citrus family, but they are different fruits.
Read more: How To Enjoy Eating Healthy
Tangerines appear to be a richer source of vitamin A, while oranges might offer more vitamin C and fiber per serve. Oranges are besides more round and larger, while tangerines are more flatten and bantam, making them a capital on-the-go nosh. Tangerines and oranges have their similarities and differences, but both are alimentary and a sanitary addition to your casual diet .