Bologna sausage

finely crunch pork blimp

“ Baloney ” redirects here. For early uses, see Baloney ( disambiguation ) “ polony ” redirects here. For the solid-phase DNA colony, see Polony ( biology ). For the meat product called polony in western Australia, see Devon ( blimp )

220px Bologna lunch meat style sausage Pre-sliced American bologna Bologna sausage, besides spelled baloney ( ), [ 1 ] is a sausage derived from mortadella, a similar-looking, finely ground pork sausage containing cubes of pork barrel fatten, in the first place from the italian city of Bologna ( IPA : [ boˈloɲɲa ] ( ) ). typical seasoning for bologna includes black capsicum, nutmeg, allspice, celery seed and coriander and, like mortadella, myrtle berries give it its classifiable season. [ 2 ] other common names include parizer ( parisian blimp ) in the countries deriving from ex- Yugoslavia, Hungary and Romania, polony in Zimbabwe, Zambia, South Africa and Western Australia, devon in most states of Australia, and fritz in South Australia. [ citation needed ] In North America, a simple and popular recipe is the bologna sandwich .

Variations [edit ]

aside from pork, “ bologna ” can be made out of chicken, turkey, beef, venison, a combination of meats, or soy protein .

US bologna [edit ]

U.S. politics regulations require american bologna to be finely footing, [ 3 ] and without visible pieces of fat .

Lebanon bologna [edit ]

Lebanon bologna is a Pennsylvania Dutch prepared meat. While called bologna, it is a dry, smoked beef blimp similar to salami .

polony [edit ]

In the United Kingdom and Ireland, “ polony ” is a finely land pork-and-beef blimp. The name, likely derived from Bologna, has been in use since the seventeenth hundred. The modern merchandise is normally cooked in a red or orange peel and is served as cold slices. [ 4 ]

In New Zealand “ polony ” is a type of cocktail blimp with pink or crimson artificially coloured skin alike to, but much smaller than, a Saveloy. miniature polonies in New Zealand are called “ Cheerios ”. They are eaten boil. [ 5 ] confederacy african “ polony ” is alike to bologna in constitution and appearance, and is typically cheap. Large-diameter ( artificially coloured ) pink polonies are called french polony, with slender rolls referred to merely as polony. Garlic polony is besides wide available. [ citation needed ] In 2018, a south african factory that produced polony and early processed meats was associated with a listeriosis outbreak that killed approximately 180 people and sickened a farther thousand. [ 6 ]

Rag bologna [edit ]

Rag bologna is a long stick, or “ chub ”, of high-fat bologna native to West Tennessee [ 7 ] and its encompassing area. unavailable beyond it, the blimp is traditionally sold wrapped in a fabric call on the carpet. The recipe has a higher message of makeweight than that of regular bologna. Milk solids, flour, cereal, and spices are added during march, and the roll of bologna is bathed in lactic acerb before being coated in paraffin wax. It is by and large eaten on white bread with mustard and pickles, but is besides a basic of class gatherings, where midst slices are smoked and barbecued along with other meats. [ 8 ] In Newfoundland, a type of tease bologna referred to as “ wax ” bologna is sliced thick and fried, which is referred to as “ Newfie steak ”. [ 9 ]

Ring bologna [edit ]

200px Ring Bologna %28Usinger%27s%29 Ring bologna Ring bologna is much smaller in diameter than standard bologna. It is better suited for slicing and serving on crackers, either as a nosh or hors d’oeuvre. It is generally sold as an entire link quite than sliced. The radio link is arranged as a semicircle or “ ring ” when prepared for sale ( hence the name ). [ 10 ] Pickled bologna is normally made from ring bologna soaked in vinegar and typical pickle spices. [ 11 ] It is normally served in chunks as a cold nosh.

vegetarian bologna [edit ]

assorted vegetarian and vegan versions of bologna are available. A distinctive UK recipe uses soy and wheat protein in the invest of tilt meat and handle vegetable oil alternatively of fatten in concert with starch, carrageenin, and flavorings. It can be eaten cold or cooked in the same ways as traditional bologna. [ 12 ]

See besides [edit ]

  • Mortadella – Large Italian (pork) sausage
  • Bologna sandwich – North American sandwich
  • Doktorskaya kolbasa — a Russian take on bologna or mortadella, though spiced differently
  • Chả lụa – a Vietnamese sausage, similar to bologna
  • Falukorv
  • Leberkäse

References [edit ]

reference :
Category : Healthy