toast or local application of human or animal urine for medicative purposes has been practiced all over the world for millennium. Documented prescriptions in Europe originate from ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome. While many of the advances of age-old medicate were forgotten after the fall of the Roman Empire, the use of urine and other excrements enjoyed retain popularity in medieval times. Ancient indian yogistic text and ancient taiwanese documents identify benefits of drinking one ’ s own urine, and it can be assumed that people in Africa, the Americas and other parts of the world have traditionally used urine for diverse medical indications for a identical retentive clock time, excessively.
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The about 100,000 hits of the search for “ urine therapy ” on Google, and the over 150 videos on the subject on YouTube are an indicator that drinking “ waters out of thine own cisterna ” is still, or again, rather popular today. The alleged indications for urine therapy, ancient or contemporary, are besides numerous to recite. There is, it seems, about nothing urine won ’ triiodothyronine bring around. mod proponents use pseudoscience to explain the benefits of the respective, by and large overdo, components of urine. Some touch at a conspiracy by the checkup establishment and the pharmaceutical industry to keep the cognition of the many fantastic healing properties of cheaply available urine a secret. There is no money to be made from urine, well, unless one was to write a book about its many virtues. But, seriously, what do we truly know ? Urine is largely urine, lots of urea ( 25g/d ) and uric acerb ( 1g/d ), creatinine ( 1.5g ), respective electrolytes ( 10g/d, by and large NaCl ), phosphate and organic acids ( 3g/d ), only trace amounts of proteins ( 40-80mg/d, most of which are albumin, and entirely insignificant amounts of antibodies or enzymes ), varying traces of ( not necessarily active ) hormones, glucose and water-soluble vitamins. Urea has a known potent diuretic drug effect which is at the base of the nineteenth century application of cow ’ south urine in the Apozème Suisse for edema or ascites. Urine is aseptic where it is produced in the kidney, but once it has left the body, it is normally contaminated. It is not toxic per selenium. There may be rare situations where urine is the cleanest fluent at hired hand to pour over a dirty wind, or the only melted to drink when buried under a collapse build or lost at sea for days, but most of the time there are better or tastier ways to improve one ’ s health.
This said, the situation described in the newspaper by Ogunshe, Fawole and Ajayi in this journal [ 1 ], is quite different. here, the use of human or cows ’ urine does not stem from an esoteric search for ageless youth or person ’ s personal fury against the establishment, but from plain necessity in an economically struggling separate of the worldly concern where modern medicate or the money to pay for it, is lacking. The authors describe the government of urine to babies and young children with febrile and early convulsions, as a traditional therapy that may be gaining popularity because of increasing poverty. They examine the aspect of bacterial contaminant and antibiotic resistance in samples of children ’ mho and cows ’ urine. contaminant and bacterial growth in concoctions containing urine is an significant issue in a warmly climate and when the treat patient is a fragile baby. Unsurprisingly, Ogunshe et aluminum. recovered the usual urinary suspects, but more importantly, they found high resistor rates against the more normally available antibiotics. In the absence of proper clinical trials it is difficult to prove that traditional urine therapy contributes to childhood mortality in Nigeria, but given the results of the give study, the treatment of vulnerable and already ill children with urine should be strongly discouraged. First, do no damage.