today I ’ meter comin ’ at you with your fresh darling macintosh and cheese recipe. not alone is it absolutely delicious, but it ’ s besides a lot lighter and healthier for you than the traditional bum bowl of good. Win win, right ?
But, before we dive into the recipe, today I thought it would be fun to talk about the truth about cheese. Is it very bad for you, or is it okay to enjoy ? well today you ’ re gon na find out !
The Truth About Cheese
here in the US, cheese is a raw material in most of our recipes. We love our tall mallow, particularly when it ’ second slathered on a slice of pizza, melted over a tasty burger, or sprinkled on peak of our pasta. In the healthy food populace, cheese gets a bad tap. It ’ second high in calories and saturated fatty, BUT did you know that there is indeed much more to cheese than that ? It isn ’ metric ton just bad for you, and I ’ meter here to shed some alight on the full things cheese has to offer .
Cheese Keeps Us Full
cheese is actually a accomplished protein ( which you can read more about here ), and is easily absorbed into our bodies. besides, it contains fatty ( which our bodies actually need ), that keeps us full throughout the day. Enjoy a little collocate of cheese with a handful of grapes in the good afternoon for a tasty bite that will hold you over till dinner and sate some of your cravings for unhealthy foods later on .
besides, don ’ metric ton be afraid of the high fat message in cheese ! Did you know that gram for gram, fat is the most effective imprint of energy in our diets ? It besides helps keep our hair and peel healthy, our cells impregnable, and provides our bodies with energy late on. I am a adult advocate of eating wholly foods, which besides includes enjoying some cheese every immediately and then.
back in the day I was all into the low-fat/non-fat foods, but I ’ ve come to see that enjoying the real stuff is not only more meet, but ultimately better for me. I try to avoid filling my body with all that boodle, artificial additives and processed debris that it doesn ’ t need. The key is not elimination, but preferably easing, friends !
Cheese is Good for Your Teeth!
Since cheese is dairy, it contains calcium, which we all know is great for your teeth and bones. When you nibble on some tall mallow after a meal, it has been shown to help prevent cavities by reducing the acidity in your mouthpiece. Cheese besides stimulates the production of saliva, which can help reduce dental problems ampere well .
Cheese is Packed with Minerals and Vitamins
Did you know that cheese has more to it than equitable calcium ? It ’ sulfur besides high in Vitamin D ( which our bodies use to help absorb the calcium we consume ), folic acid, zinc, phosphorous and a overplus of vitamins, including A, B2, B12 and K2. Another amazing fact about cheese is that it contains conjugated linoleic acid, which is an anti-cancer agent and metabolism supporter .
Cheese Makes You Happy
other than the amazing season cheese gives to dishes, it besides contains this amazing amino acid called tyrosine. When that amino acidic is broken down in our bodies, it makes us feel content. And that, along with the fat promote our brains to produce dopamine, we are felicitous ducks when munching on some cheese. And let ’ s be honest with ourselves… when is the last fourth dimension some non-fat plasticy cheese made us feel that way !
So… Now what?
As you can see, cheese is not the evil enemy western company has made it out to be. It ’ s actually quite good for you, and as with all commodity things, vitamin a long as you consume it in moderation, you will be fine ! Stay away from the abject fat and not fat varieties, and alternatively enjoy the actual real stuff. You will not alone feel more satisfied, but it will keep you full moon longer, and you ’ ll be happier .
here are some things to do the next time you buy cheese :
- Go to the cheese counter rather than the pre-packaged area. They have higher quality cheese, and you can control how much you buy of it!
- Cheeses like Cheddar and Swiss are naturally higher in calories and fat. If you are looking for lighter options, grab something like soft goat cheese, feta or mozzarella.
- Try something new! You’ll never know if you’ll like a different type of cheese till you give it a try. Ask for samples at the cheese counter, and treat yo’self.
- Stay away from anything resembling plastic (I’m looking at YOU, American cheese and Velveeta!). The real stuff is way better, trust me.
Healthier Mac and Cheese
And, in a true cheese-lover fashion, today I ’ meter sharing a healthier variation on one of my darling comfort foods, macintosh and cheese. I used a kind of cheeses in this, partially to give a delicious relish visibility, and partially because I wanted to incorporate some lighter cheeses in this recipe.
I love blending up bungalow cheese when I cook with it ( like in these egg bites ), because it gets rid of the eldritch texture- I ’ meter not a fan- and I ’ m placid enjoying the perplex benefits of bungalow cheese. Did you know that bungalow cheese is loaded with vitamins & minerals like calcium and magnesium, has a good come of healthy fats and it ’ s been shown to reduce the risk of breast cancer ? It ’ s a go-to phase of protein for athletes and people wanting to lose weight, and it ’ mho my fresh favored manner to keep recipes light while calm enjoying the amazingness of cheese .
In this recipe, I besides added in some broccoli ( because # eatyourgreens ), and I used brown rice pasta. This macintosh and tall mallow is a thoroughly source of protein, contains healthy carbs, AND is absolutely delightful. It equitable doesn ’ t get much better than that !
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Healthier Mac and Cheese
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Read more: Coconut Nutrition Facts and Health Benefits
- 1/4 cup butter
- 1/4 cup flour
- Salt & pepper
- 1 3/4 cup cashew milk
- 1 cup shredded cheese (I like Colby Jack or Cheddar)
- 1 cup cottage cheese, blended smooth
- 1 cup chopped broccoli, cooked
- 3 cups cooked brown rice macaroni
- In a large saucepan and mixing with a whisk, melt the butter. Add the salt, pepper and flour and mix constantly until the mixture is bubbling and thick.
- Add the milk and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Keep it boiling for one minute, then remove from the heat. Stir in the shredded cheese and cottage cheese until it’s melted.
- Pour in the cooked broccoli and macaroni. Thoroughly mix together and let it sit for 5 minutes to thicken.
- Enjoy immediately, or keep it in the fridge for up to a week.
Now it’s your turn to talk! Answer one of these questions in the comments below:
Do you love cheese ?
What is your favorite macintosh and cheese recipe ?
hypertext transfer protocol : //www.organicfacts.net/health-benefits/animal-product/health-benefits-of-cottage-cheese.html
hypertext transfer protocol : //hellogiggles.com/7-reasons-cheese-is-good-for-you/
hypertext transfer protocol : //www.berkeleywellness.com/healthy-eating/nutrition/slideshow/cheese-bad-your-health
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