Marketing Mischief – Milo
It grinds our gears when processed foods are dressed up as health foods and marketed to kids .
Reading: Food company marketing tricks
Each week, we are going debunk one of these and break down some of the selling ballyhoo .
This week it ’ randomness Milo ’ s turn
“ Since 1934, MILO® has been giving active kids what they need to get the most out of every day ! “
But what actually is Milo®️ .
It was originally designed as a cheap tonic for children who were malnourished in the depression.
obviously, Nestle has done a rebrand and it is now marketed as an department of energy supplement for active voice kids .
Milo®️ is a highly processed, high carbohydrate, high sugar, flavour enhancer fortified by vitamins .
Ingredients : excerpt of Malt Barley Or Malt Barley and Rice ( Total Extract 38 % ), Milk Solids, Sugar, Cocoa, Minerals ( Calcium, Iron ), Maltodextrin ( Corn ), Vitamins ( C, B3, B6, B2, D, B12 ), Emulsifier ( Soy Lecithin ) Contains Gluten, Milk and Soy .
Milo®️ is 60 % carbohydrate and 45 % simpleton sugars. In each field glass of milk, you are adding 3 teaspoons of carbohydrate .
Make no mistake-Milo®️ is not healthy .
But malt kinda sounds goodly, right ?
Nope, malt is processed barley that makes is sweet .
maltose from malt is a sugar- it ’ s fuel .
sucrose from cane sugar is fuel
lactose from milk is fuel
In fact, all carbohydrates are fuel .
Your child will get all the fuel they need from milk without all the sugar .
Children do not need Milo®️ to be active. It will not help them be active
Milo®️ has weaselled its means into kids ’ mutant .
Milo®️ Cricket, Milo®️ Little Aths, Milo®️ Auskick
Milo®️ has a photograph of a clean child on the front man of every unmarried one of its products .
Milo®️ wants to be associated with the health benefits of sport and exercise .
so what ’ s the message here ?
“ If your child eats Milo®️, they will get the energy they need to become sporty ” .
“ Aren ’ t Nestle a great company for promoting kids fun ? ”
“ If your child eats Milo®️ and doesn ’ thyroxine do sport, well then it ’ s your fault ( or the child ’ s fault ) if they gain weight because very it ’ south all about mutant ”
Read more: Is Eating Raisins Healthy?
actually, for Nestle, it ’ mho nothing to do with sport. It all about selling products and they want their sugary intersection associated with kids sport .
What about the addiction side of sugary products ?
It is now well known that sugar is addictive. The earlier children are exposed to sugar the more they are to be addicted .
Does Nestle take any province for this ?
No, they don ’ thyroxine !
On their web site, they have a section.-
“ The Importance of Kids ’ Health. “
interestingly, they have 3 cunning kids holding tomatoes, oranges and kiwi fruit .
No processed Milo®️ products anywhere on the page…
Because Milo®️ is not healthy !
If Nestle were then refer about children ’ sulfur health would they be making and selling these bite bars ?
Look at all the ingredients ! This merchandise is full moon of carbohydrate, emulsifiers, processed vegetable oils .
But Nestle continues to market Milo®️ as giving active kids what they need .
Active kids need whole foods, as close to nature as possible, not cheap, nasty, chemical sugary junk, dressed up health food.
Nestle and Milo®️ are not interested in our kids ’ health. They are matter to in selling products and making money .
Milo is junk. # Callitout
At Real Life Medicine, we believe that food is medicine. real food is the key to our health. If you are insulin tolerant, have type 2 diabetes or have central fleshiness, then moo carb real food is the linchpin to reclaiming your health .
If you want help with this, then this is what we do. Day in, day out .
Myth-busting, helping you unlearn erstwhile advice and reprogramming new habits .
Helping people and their families reclaim their health .
You can find more details on our programs hera
Take care fantastic humans
Read more: Simple Secrets To Weight Loss
With love and good health
Dr Lucy Burns and Dr Mary Barson