Bạn đang đọc: Are Bass Fish Healthy to Eat?
lovelypeace/iStock/GettyImages The health benefits of sea bass and fresh water bass are batch. Whether you eat sea or fresh water bass, one serve is low in calories and an excellent source of protein, selenium and essential omega-3 fatty acid fatso acids .
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While both types contain the lapp nutrients, they have varying amounts of some, such as vitamins B12 and B6. bass does have one downside : it contains mercury. You can silent enjoy it, but meaning women and children should limit the total they eat .
While both sea bass and fresh water bass are good sources of protein and healthy fats, they besides contains mercury .
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Freshwater and Sea Bass Nutrition
Protein is equitable one of the many health benefits of sea bass and fresh water bass. Sea bass has 16 grams of protein, and fresh water varieties contain 20 grams of protein in a 3-ounce serve, which is 40 percentage of the daily value, according to the USDA .
To be indisputable you get adequate protein to meet your body ‘s metabolic needs, the National Academies of Sciences recommends that women get 46 grams day by day, while men get 56 grams. You ‘ll get all of this protein for only 105 calories in a 3-ounce serve of sea bass and 124 calories in the lapp parcel of fresh water bass .
Get Your Omega-3 Fatty Acids
evening though bass is low in sum fat, both varieties are excellent sources of two omega-3 fatty acid fatty acids : Eicosapentaenoic acidic, or EPA, and docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA. These fatso acids help oneself reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease by lowering blood pressure and reducing levels of cholesterol. omega-3 fatty acid fatso acids may help prevent affection disease and stroke, according to the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health .
Sea sea bass provides 0.65 grams of combine EPA and DHA, while fresh water bass has 0.51 grams in a 3-ounce serve, according to the USDA. One serving supplies 32 to 60 percentage of your casual intake, depending on the type you eat and your sexual activity, because men need more than women, according to recommendations from the Institute of Medicine .
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Consider Other Nutrients
One crucial food provided by ocean and fresh water sea bass is selenium. Your body depends on selenium to produce antioxidants and to synthesize thyroid hormones. According to the National Institutes of Health, seafood — such as bass — are one of the best food sources of this alimentary .
fresh water and ocean bass nutrition deviate in their vitamin capacity. For example, ocean freshwater bass is a rich source of vitamin B6 and contains three times more than you ‘ll get from fresh water bass. however, freshwater bass contains 77 percentage more vitamin B12 than sea bass, according to the USDA .
Watch the Mercury
Mercury emitted from industrial facilities lands in bodies of water and results in mercury-contaminated fish, according to the Natural Resources Defense Council. Consuming mercury is a health concern for everyone, but it ‘s specially critical for meaning women and young children because mercury interferes with convention exploitation of the aflutter organization.
Striped and black bass, two fresh water varieties, contain a moderate come of mercury, which means that vulnerable people can consume six servings or less per calendar month. If you find chilean sea bass in the store, be mindful that it ‘s eminent in mercury and should be limited to three servings or less per calendar month .