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6 Reasons to Eat Tilapia

6 Top Reasons to Put Tilapia on the Menu

fried tilapia - Central CT Fresh Fish Market Tilapia is a popular whitefish. This delectable, list fish is becoming a staple in many homes because of how versatile it is. sometimes called the “ chicken of the sea, ” tilapia can be used for a wide range of recipes from pisces taco to tilapia Parmesan. It is the go-to option for everyone from seafood skeptics to seafood chefs .
Like other seafoods, there are many health benefits to putting tilapia on the menu. It is broad of substantive vitamins and nutrients—like vitamin B12, niacin, vitamin B6, and pantothenic acid—that your body needs. That is why the American Pregnancy Association recommends that meaning women and children eat up to 12 ounces of it every week. You can benefit from eating tilapia, besides .
here are 6 crown benefits of eating tilapia :

  1. Heart Health

It ’ s a ache option to put tilapia on the menu if you ’ re concerned about your heart. The omega-3 fatty acid fatso acids in tilapia have been linked to lower hazard of heart attack, stroke and atherosclerosis. These necessity fatso acids have besides been linked to lower levels of triglyceride in the cardiovascular system and cholesterol.

  1. Brain Boost

Along with benefiting your heart, omega-3 fatty acid fatso acids are besides good for the brain. They have been connected to increased neurological function and may play a function in protecting the mind from degenerative genial conditions such a dementia .

  1. Weight Management

Whether you are trying to maintain a healthy weight or lose slant, eating tilapia will make you feel entire without adding to your waist. It is gamey in protein but low in calories and fat. It is a great option to salmon which is higher in fatty and calories .

  1. Bone Health

Tilapia is a good generator of phosphorus which is important for bone health. Phosphorus is an essential mineral that your body needs for bone growth and development. tied your teeth and nails need it to be solid and durable. Getting enough phosphorous can help prevent osteoporosis as you age.

  1. Good Source of Selenium

Tilapia is high in the antioxidant selenium. Selenium has many health benefits. Like other antioxidants, selenium is believed to play a role in reducing oxidative stress on your organ systems and detached radical bodily process that causes the effects of aging and mutation of healthy cells into cancerous ones. It can besides boost white blood cell activity in your body, helping your immune arrangement defend against toxins and foreign bodies. Along with its antioxidant qualities, selenium plays a vital function in regulating hormonal functions in the thyroid gland .

  1. Rich Source of Potassium

Tilapia Recipes - fresh fish market Tilapia is besides a rich people generator of potassium. potassium is an electrolyte that helps your body maintain a healthy balance of fluids. Your body besides needs it for proper nerve and muscle affair including brain function. If you ’ ve ever woken up with a afflictive cramp because of a potassium insufficiency, you know how essential this nutrient is.

The simplest way to control your health is to eat foods like tilapia that are rich in vitamins and nutrients that your consistency needs. With a versatile fish like tilapia, it is easy to add it to the menu .
Stop by City Fish Market to pick up fresh tilapia ! Check out our Pinterest for recipe ideas .

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Category : Healthy