Safe and Healthy Birth Practices: Current Evidence

In this column, the editor program of The Journal of Perinatal Education ( JPE ) describes this especial issue where distinguished authors discuss safe motherliness care and provide update evidence-based reviews of the Lamaze International Six Healthy Birth Practices that promote, support, and protect natural, safe, and healthy parturition .

A growing body of research continues to provide testify for the benefits of supporting the normal physiologic process of labor and birth and the risks of interfering with this natural work. In this return of The Journal of Perinatal Education, distinguished authors discuss ways to promote safe motherliness care and provide evidence-based updates for the Lamaze International Six Healthy Birth Practices, concluding published in 2014. In the sport article, “ Safe Childbirth : A call to Action, ” Dr. Judith Lothian discusses the increasing concern with the guard of the current motherliness care system. Since the publication of Lamaze ‘s Six Healthy Birth Practice papers in 2014, the maternal mortality rate in the United States has doubled and cesarean delivery rates continue to climb. Dr. Lothian highlights some ongoing inquiry that supports physiologic give birth and identifies the risks of interfering with the physiologic procedure. She besides discusses update guidelines and advocacy efforts aimed at transforming motherliness manage. In the article “ Healthy Birth Practice # 1 : Let Labor Begin on Its Own, ” Debby Amis discusses the attest for letting labor begin on its own. stream evidence and professional organizations identify letting undertaking begin on its own as one of the most important strategies for promoting normal, physiologic give birth. Letting department of labor begin on its own besides prevents iatrogenic prematureness and the want for high-tech medical interventions required for labor trigger.

In “ Healthy Birth Practice # 2 : walk, Move Around, and Change Positions Throughout Labor, ” Michele Ondeck provides an update evidence-based review of the literature and describes how women who use erect positions and are mobile during labor movement have shorter labors, less interposition, composition less severe trouble, and describe more atonement with their childbirth experience than women in accumbent positions.

In “ Healthy Birth Practice # 3 : Bring a Loved One, Friend, or Doula for Continuous Support, ” Jeanne Green provides an update evidence-based recapitulation of the literature and describes why women should be allowed and encouraged to bring a sleep together one, friend, or labor coach to their give birth, without fiscal or cultural barriers. continuous parturiency documentation offers benefits to mothers and their babies with no sleep together damage.

In “ Healthy Birth Practice # 4 : avoid Interventions Unless They Are medically Necessary, ” Dr. Judith Lothian discusses how act interventions such as the habit of intravenous fluids, restrictions on feed and drink in, continuous electronic fetal monitor, epidural analgesia, augmentation of labor, and the use of episiotomy disturb the convention physiology of british labour party and birth, and restrict women ‘s ability to cope with labor. The consequence is a cascade of interventions that increase hazard, including the risk of cesarean operating room, for women and babies. In “ Healthy Birth Practice # 5 : keep off Giving Birth on Your Back and Follow Your Body ‘s urge to Push, ” Marilyn Curl discusses how tradition, not evidence, continues to drive the management of the second stage of tug in most hospitals. Curl provides an overview of current evidence and best practices for second stagecoach british labour party to improve outcomes and offers suggestions on how to improve the quality of the birth know. finally, in the article “ Healthy Birth Practice # 6 : Keep Mother and Newborn Together—It ‘s Best for Mother, Newborn, and Breastfeeding, ” Jeannette Crenshaw provides an update evidence-based review of the current literature and discusses how mothers and babies have a physiologic motivation to be together at the moment of birth and during the hours and days that follow. evidence supports immediate, uninterrupted skin-to-skin wish after vaginal birth and during and after cesarean operation for all stable mothers and babies, careless of feeding preference .

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Category : Healthy