Older men’s health

Older men’s health

If you ‘re a serviceman over 50, health issues like prostate gland problems, center disease and bladder cancer can be of particular concern .

Prostate problems

The prostate gland is part of the male generative organization, sited near the bladder and penis and encircling the tube through which urine passes from the bladder .
Problems such as benign prostate hyperplasia ( BPH ) and prostate gland cancer are both rare in men under 50 .
prostatitis is most common under 50 and treatable with medicine or operating room.

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Symptoms and diagnosis

trouble and difficulty in urinating can be caused by :

  • infection and inflammation
  • the prostate growing slowly bigger (benign prostatic hyperplasia, BPH)
  • prostate cancer – a slow-growing tumour, which also causes pain in the lower back, hips or pelvis as well as erectile problems

Awareness – what to do

The PSA test ( Prostate Specific Antigen ) is a test that measures the level of PSA in your blood. PSA is a message made by the prostate gland, which naturally leaks out into the bloodstream .
A raised prostate specific antigen can be an early indication of prostate gland cancer. however, other conditions that are not cancer ( like enlargement of the prostate, prostatitis and urinary infection ) can besides cause a lift in PSA .
The higher the floor of PSA the more likely the diagnosis is cancer. however, the PSA test can besides miss prostate gland cancer. Diets high in dairy and animal fats may increase risk ; those high in green vegetables may be protective .
Action Cancer offers clinics staffed by qualify aesculapian personnel. This is a free and confidential service .
Prostate Cancer UK besides offers help oneself and advice – find out more from its web site .

Health and Social Care Trusts

Bladder cancer

Bladder cancer affects the inner line of the bladder and is the one-fourth most common cancer in men, specially men over 50. Smokers are more at risk as are people who work with chemicals used in the dye, leather and rubber industries .


Symptoms include annoyance during micturition, blood in the urine and a frequent indigence to urinate.


The loss of ability to control micturition is a common problem that affects a many as one in three people. It can be easily cured or at least made accomplishable. As a valet, you ‘re more at hazard of one of two types of incontinence as you get older :

  • urge – an overpowering urge to urinate followed by heavy leakage
  • overflow – small leaks from a full bladder

Testicular problems

It ‘s best to examine your testicles regularly for lumps, whatever your age. A coarse testicular problem for men of all ages is a swelling caused by a build-up of fluid around the testis ( hydrocele ). You ‘ll need to visit your doctor to get it checked .

Impotence/erectile dysfunction

impotence or erectile dysfunction is the repeat inability to get or keep an erecting firm enough for intimate sexual intercourse .
Around five per penny of 40-year-old men may have the condition, which increases with age, possibly affecting up 25 per cent of 65 year olds. Anything that interferes with the blood flow to the penis may be a cause. Diabetes, kidney disease, chronic alcoholism, multiple sclerosis and cardiovascular disease score for many cases .

Heart disease and high blood pressure (hypertension)

One in five men dies from heart disease before the age of 75. It claims more men ‘s lives than any early disease. Heart disease runs in families, so you have a greater find of developing it if your syndicate has a history of the disease. other risk factors include :

  • smoking
  • an unhealthy diet with too much fat, particularly saturated fat
  • lack of exercise
  • being overweight
  • excess stress

gamey blood imperativeness is a major risk. If your lineage pressure has been gamey for a long clock, you are more at risk of a heart approach or stroke .

Physical and emotional health problems

Some men develop depression, passing of sex drive, impotence and other physical and aroused problems when they reach their late 40s or early 50s .
other health problems which occur for men in this age group are :

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  • hot flushes
  • mood swings
  • loss of muscle mass and fat redistribution
  • tiredness
  • dry and thin skin
  • increased sweating
  • poor concentration and irritability
  • loss of enthusiasm

These symptoms can interfere with everyday animation and happiness, so it ‘s crucial to work out the underlying campaign, and what can be done to resolve these problems. If you are concerned, you should speak to your GP .
male menopause, andropause and mid-life crisis are sometimes used to explain the symptoms listed above. moo levels of testosterone can sometimes be creditworthy for symptoms when the testes are not functioning properly .
In many cases, the symptoms are nothing to do with hormones. other reasons for these symptoms can include :

  • anaemia
  • thyroid-gland dysfunction
  • depression
  • marital problems
  • job dissatisfaction
  • financial problems
  • alcohol misuse

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