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40 Worst Health Mistakes Men Make After 40 — Eat This Not That

For many, your 40s are a clock of feeling more comfortable and established, as you become more secure professionally and personally. But it ‘s no time to become complacent about your health, an all-too-frequent happening in this decade. Your 40s are a meter when certain health problems can creep up—or be avoided by making healthy choices. We asked the experts what health mistakes men tend to make at this age and beyond, so you do n’t have to. Read on—and to ensure your health and the health of others, do n’t miss these Sure Signs You Have “Long” COVID and May Not Even Know It.


Skipping Health Screenings

Coronavirus. Doctor visiting unhealthy man at ho “ man are more probable to get their teeth cleaned than visit their doctor. Heart disease, BPH, and high cholesterol tend to start appearing in in-between age, ” says Stanton Honig, MD, director of men ‘s health at Yale Medicine Urology. The Rx: “ Make your regular checkup !, ” says Honig. “ They give doctors an opportunity to discuss overall health to help men take better concern of themselves and prevent health problems. ”


Being Sedentary

man using smart phone while relaxing at home. Smiling mature man at home sitting on couch reading phone message. only about 5 percentage of American adults get 30 minutes of exercise each day. Go against the grain : A sedentary life style raises your risk of fleshiness and related illnesses, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes and stroke .
The Rx: For kernel health, the American Heart Association recommends that adults get 150 minutes of moderate drill ( such as brisk walking ) or 90 minutes of high-intensity drill ( such as running or swimming ) each workweek .


Ignoring Chronic Pain

man with dark hair suffering from elbow pain outdoor possibly you were taught that boys do n’t cry and that “ rubbing some soil on it ” is a rectify for most problems. But we feel trouble for a cause. When you have pain that does n’t go aside, chances are your body is trying to alert you to a problem .
The Rx: If you have pain that recurs or wo n’t go away, do n’t tough it out. See your doctor .


Not Minding Your Mental Health

Man talking to his therapist homo ignore psychological pain even more than physical pain. “ Men in their 40s have the leaning to ignore their emotional needs, which leads to an increase in stress and stress-related illness, ” says Haley Neidich, LCSW, a therapist based in New Haven, Connecticut .
The Rx: “ Acknowledging when you need confirm and seeking out the right mental health counseling for your needs is essential, ” recommends Neidich .


Poor Posture

Man holding sore neck while using notebook “ back pain, specifically low back annoyance, can be caused by poor people military capability and faint abdominal muscles. And those are the particular areas that need to be targeted and strengthened to relieve the pain and prevent future flare-ups, ” says Neel Anand, MD, professor of orthopedic surgery and film director of spine trauma at Cedars-Sinai Spine Center in Los Angeles .
The Rx: “ The first steps in correcting this is to merely concentrate on sitting up true and pulling your shoulders back and down when either sit down, standing, or walk, ” says Anand. He besides suggests abdominal strengthen exercises as planks or ab grind you can try at home .


Starting a Workout Program Too Fast

runner with athletic body wearing black running shoes, sitting on steps on concrete stair, clutching injured knee in excruciating pain “ Along with fresh fitness activity comes a real risk for injury, which can range from fractures, sprains, strains, to knee and back pain, ” says Bert Mandelbaum, MD, a sports medicine specialist and orthopedic surgeon at Cedars-Sinai Kerlan-Jobe Institute in Los Angeles and writer of The Win Within : Capturing Your triumphant Spirit .
The Rx: “ Warm up and cool down, ” says Mandelbaum. “ We need a few minutes of warm-up time before any forcible activity to get the blood flow, and give the muscles and joints a heads-up that they ‘re about to be put to work, as cold muscles are much less compromising and much more prone to injury. At the end of a cardiovascular warm up, a few more minutes of muscle stretch is constantly recommended. ”


Not Getting Screened for Low T

testosterone hormone test result with blood sample tube “ For most men over 45, about four out of 10 hurt from Low T, ” says S. Adam Ramin, MD, urologic surgeon and medical director of Urology Cancer Specialists in Los Angeles. “ moo testosterone does n’t necessarily have anything to do with the physical ability to get or maintain an erection. It has more to do with low desire and libido. The good newsworthiness is that this stipulate should n’t be anything a man feels ashamed of and it is identical treatable. ”
The Rx: “ There are a numeral of natural ways to raise testosterone, including engaging in exert several times a week, and weight unit loss for men who are overweight, ” says Ramin. “ A doctor may suggest starting hormone successor therapy, which includes giving testosterone in an injection, piece, gel, or tablets to raise his levels rear to a normal, healthy image. ”


Ignoring Prostate Health

Doctor consulting male patient, working on diagnostic examination on “ Outside of skin cancer, prostate cancer is the second-most common cancer induce for men in the United States, with up to 1 in 9 receiving the diagnosis at some decimal point in their lives, ” says Ramin. “ The great news is that most men have a high probability of surviving the disease, though as with many cancer types, that likelihood decreases as the disease advances. ”
The Rx: “ Men who receive regular checkups and prostate gland examinations after old age 50 have a a lot higher likelihood that cancer would be discovered and diagnosed at an earlier stage, ” says Ramin .



Middle age hoary senior man “ smoke is n’t barely detrimental to your lungs, ” says Ramin. “ Your kidneys and bladder, your body ‘s filtration organization, must process the toxins from cigarette roll of tobacco besides. From the risk of kidney failure to multiple types of urological cancers, fume is one life style habit that in truth is n’t worth it, ” says Ramin .
The Rx: Quit smoke now. If you do n’t use tobacco, do n’t start .


Not Monitoring Blood Pressure

blood pressure monitor “ high blood pressure is n’t only bad for your affection, ” says Ramin. “ In fact, uncontrolled eminent lineage imperativeness is among the leading causes of kidney failure in the United States. ”
The Rx: The American Heart Association recommends getting your blood imperativeness checked at least once every two years. “ If you start early enough, before problems arise, keeping your rake blackmail at a normal pace and your kidneys in proper working holy order can be easily accomplished with life style modifications, ” adds Ramin. Keep read to learn more on this .


Gaining Weight

Male feet on glass scales, men's diet, body weight, close up, man stepping up on scales “ fleshiness is among the highest risk factors for a host of cancers, including bladder and kidney, ” says Ramin. “ Studies have shown that merely being overweight, not necessarily clinically corpulent, besides increases risk. ”
The Rx: “ Simply paying attention to what you ‘re putting into your body can be a capital depart, ” says Ramin. “ This year, if you have n’t already, begin reading food labels. A dear dominion of ovolo : if the box label contains ingredients you ca n’t pronounce, do n’t buy it. ”


Not Eating Right

Man eating an hamburger while driving car “ Our bodies ‘ organs just were n’t designed to meet the demands put on them by the consumption of highly processed, high-sugar and high-fat foods, ” says Ramin. “ And when they ‘re forced to filter these substances long-run, the consequences can be austere and dangerous. ”
The Rx: “ Focus on putting the most saturated, solid foods into your torso, ” says Ramin .


Not Getting a Colonoscopy

Gastrologist. Doctor's office. Doctor gastroenterologist with probe to perform gastroscopy and colonoscopy “ colonoscopy is the best method acting to get screened for a very common but preventable form of cancer in the USA, ” says Ashkan Farhadi, MD, a gastroenterologist at MemorialCare Orange Coast Medical Center in Fountain Valley, California. “ presently, 6 percentage of individuals will suffer from this common shape of cancer during their life, which can be prevented if they have a proper screen. ” During colonoscopy, precancerous polyps in the colon can be removed before they become cancer and banquet .
The Rx: The american Cancer Society recommends you start discussing screening for colon cancer with your doctor at age 45 .


Not Wearing Sunscreen

man on the beach man applying sunscreen to his arm “ Because many signs of aging are caused or exacerbated by sun damage, sunscreen is the best anti-aging treatment in your bark manage routine, ” says Joel Schlessinger, MD, a dermatologic surgeon in Omaha, Nebraska. “ Most importantly, sunscreen is your foremost trace of defense against bark cancer. ”
The Rx: “ even if you ‘re sitting inside all day, you still need sunlight protection. By wearing a broad spectrum sunscreen every sidereal day, you can shield your peel from both UVA and UVB rays. I recommend choosing a high-quality, broad-spectrum sunscreen like those from EltaMD, ” says Schlessinger .


Sharing Your Wife’s Towel

bathroom interior and towels of red “ Remember to never plowshare towels. It ‘s easy to spread bacteria and infections, particularly when they ‘re wet, ” says Schlessinger
The Rx: “ Always keep track of which towel is yours, and do n’t forget to switch it out for a fairly one on a regular basis, ” says Schlessinger .


Using a Years-Old Loofah

soap, natural sponge and shower gel closeup Do you even have the same loofa from your european vacation in 2015 ? You might be surprised to see what ‘s living inside. “ Washcloths and loofa can harbor bacteria, mold and yeast, among other harmful things, ” says Schlessinger .
The Rx: “ Make certain you allow your loofah to dry completely each time and replace it frequently, ” says Schlessinger. “ If you cleanse with a washcloth, grab a bracing one every day and do n’t use it on your face. Remove impurities with jane iredale Magic Mitt. This microfiber hand removes dirt, oil and makeup with warm water alone. By eliminating the motivation for a cleansing agent, this tool protects the peel ‘s ph poise. ”


Jumping Onto the Latest Exercise Fad

Handsome shirtless muscular male does exercise leaning on a sofa at home. “ A 40-year-old valet, embarking on a fad practice course of study is apt to injure his back or neck, ” says Dr. Marc Arginteanu, an prize winning neurosurgeon and clinical Associate Professor of Neurosurgery at Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York. “ The bones of most 40-year-old men are still adenine solid as they were at 20, and his muscles are much barely as solid. But the joints that hold the spinal bones together—and the disk which act as cushions between those bones—are no long closely angstrom resilient as they once were. ”
The Rx: Warm up, take any modern practice program lento, and give your torso time to recover between workouts .


Jumping Onto the Latest Fad Diet

Sports Injury. Shirtless afro man suffering from pain in shoulder, touching hand with red zone, black wall “ Fad diets are designed to take off system of weights arsenic cursorily as potential. They frequently ignore the farseeing term effects that might occur regarding both the genius and spine, ” says Arginteanu. “ A 40-year-old man embarking on a group weight loss program is apt to make a nutritional fumble that may increase the likelihood he ‘ll suffer from brain problems like dementia late in life. ”
The Rx: Consult your healthcare supplier before embarking on a new diet. “ besides, consider moderating the diet to make it less extreme, ” says Arginteanu. “ You should be leery of any diet that says ‘never ‘ or ‘always. ‘ For any diet, as in most things, balance is best. ”


Overusing Your Hands

Handsome man suffering from wrist pain in office, closeup “ A sudden increase or exchange in bodily process, like trying out a raw use at the gymnasium or using a computer leading up to a deadline, can cause tendinitis to flare around the hired hand and wrist, ” says Andrea Halim, MD, a Yale Medicine orthopedic bridge player surgeon. “ This can include trigger fingers, de quervain ‘s ( tendinitis of the wrist ) and sometimes carpal tunnel syndrome. ”
The Rx: “ Make sure to take breaks from activities that require constant or insistent motion, and taking anti-inflammatories may help relieve symptoms if they become annoying, ” says Halim .


Ignoring Nail Fungus

Man's hand being massaged a foot If your toenails look odd because of thickening, lifting or color changes—it can be signs of infection. “ Both bacteria and fungi can cause nail infections and are very common in the environment, ” says Amanda Zubek, MD, Ph.D., a Yale Medicine dermatologist. “ You can easily pick up a smash fungus, for example, at a swimming pool, from the gymnasium floor, the soil outside or even from a syndicate member. ”
The Rx: Pay attention to nail health year round of golf. If you observe anything fishy, make an appointment with a dermatologist .


Neglecting Your Nails In General

a young girl makes a man pedicure in the background of a beauty salon. Nail care Fungus is n’t the entirely problem that can plague your nails. “ Nails say a batch about health. For exemplar, brittle nails can demonstrate vitamin deficiencies, ” says Halim. Biting nails can open the hide under the nail, introducing bacteria, a fungus or yeast that can cause infection .
The Rx: Cut your nails regularly, and do n’t be afraid to visit the nail salon ( it ‘s 2020, after all ). When cutting your nails, be certain to cut straight across, and file them into a square shape, not rounded. Cutting the corners off increases your risk of an ingrowing pinpoint .


Not Nurturing Relationships

dad and son grilling “ Take a look at the ‘blue zones ‘ of the world—places where people live the longest. What characterizes them all is the fact that they are all bound by a strong sense of community, ” says Lily Kiswani, MD, an integrative medicate doctor in Mumbai, India. “ This diminishes try and decreases the risk of chronic illness and premature death. ”
The Rx: “ Make the clock to spend with that especial person in your life. Go kick a football with your son. Volunteer to help at your church. Every little sting helps. The effort does not need to be massive, but the result can be life changing. ”


Ignoring Diabetes

Man taking blood sample with lancet pen indoors Have you been tested for diabetes recently ? Are you sure ? Untreated, diabetes causes sugars to build up in the lineage. That damages arteries throughout the body, skyrocketing your hazard of heart disease, stroke, vision loss and circulation problems that could lead to amputation .
The Rx: Get checked for diabetes or prediabetes ASAP. Follow your repair ‘s recommendations for life style changes or medicine if necessity .


Not Staying Flexible

Man doing bridging exercise, lying on his back on black mat in empty office interior. Viewed from floor level from his head “ One of the biggest mistakes men can make as they age above forty is to not maintain their flexibility, ” says Mary Badon, MD, a Yale-trained doctor in Connecticut who manages SOMA Movement Studio. “ Reducing resting brawn tension can improve your energy levels, raise your climate, and can contribute to making you more active. ”
The Rx: “ Maintaining tractability can be done through regular stretch, or better, by including cross-training workouts that focus on character ( lengthening ) strengthening like Pilates, ” says Badon .


Eating Processed Food

Processed deli meat cold cuts “ After 40, the key is to cut out processed foods from your diet, ” says Lisa Ballehr, DO, an osteopathic doctor in Mesa, Arizona. “ Processed foods are typically loaded with artificial preservatives and additives and tend to be made from non-organic foods containing residues of pesticides. This, along with the accession of refined sugars, high fructose corn syrup, emulsifiers, salt and ethanol make for an abnormal dietary source which lacks proper nutrition. ”
The Rx: “ Cut processed foods out of our diet and replace them with wholly foods. Our bodies need the vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats from whole foods for optimum health. ”


Neglecting Your Brain

Handsome man is using a digital tablet and smiling while resting on couch at home “ As we historic period, our brains shrink in bulk, particularly the frontal cortex and hippocampus, areas involved in higher cognitive function and encoding modern memories, ” says Peterson Pierre, MD, a dermatologist in Thousand Oaks, California, and founder of the Pierre Skin Care Institute .
The Rx: “ It ‘s crucial to keep the mind stimulated, and one of the best ways to do that is with the brain train app Lumosity, ” says Pierre. “ This app is personalized and trains key areas of your brain. Just a few minutes a day can help your beware persist sharp and can even help you improve in certain areas. ”


Not Dancing

senior couple dancing together at dance hall When you ‘re over 40, you ca n’t ignore any prospect to get physical exercise. And what ‘s easier than move your legs rhythmically to the healthy of music ? “ Studies show that regular physical exercise can reverse the signs of aging in the brain with dancing having the most fundamental effect, ” says Pierre. Dancing decreases risk of dementia, improves your symmetry, reduces stress and helps you lose calories—and last, but not least, makes you a socially attractive person .
The Rx: next time you hear some music, show your moves .


Neglecting Weight Training

man smiling while using dumbbells and working out “ We all know that cardiovascular train is good for the heart and helps keep weight off, but weight train is just american samoa important, possibly evening more so, ” says Pierre. “ Weight train has been shown to have alike cardiovascular benefits and can actually reverse age-related muscle personnel casualty. It burns fat, exercises all your muscles, including your heart, lowers blood press and improves rake flow to the brain. ”
The Rx: Aim to get 30 minutes of exercise most days of the workweek, including two strength-training sessions hebdomadally .


Not Getting Your Hearing Checked

Male patient visiting doctor otolaryngologist “ One condition that shows up in some patients over 40 is tinnitus, a challenge problem that has common symptoms like bellow, ticking, ringing, or whistling sounds in the ears, ” says Jason Power, owner and managing director of The Hearing Clinic in Ontario, Canada. “ sometimes, the symptoms of tinnitus can signify early health problems. ”
The Rx: Schedule a hearing evaluation with an audiologist, who can recommend treatment .


Ignoring Hypertension

Man with hypertension heart “ A park ambush for men is failing to seek medical advice, allowing ailments as high blood pressure and diabetes to gain an even stronger foothold anterior to diagnosis and therapy, ” says Gary Donovitz, MD, founder and CEO of BioTE Medical. “ Older does n’t always mean knowing, peculiarly when it comes to assessing your body ‘s issues ”
The Rx: Invest in a home blood pressure monitor and measure your blood pressure on a regular footing, ideally a few times a week. Monitors can cost between $ 40 and $ 100 on median, but your health policy might cover it. If you see any meaning changes in your pressure, consult your doctor .


Ignoring Enlarged Prostate

Doctor and senior man wearing facemasks during coronavirus and flu outbreak “ Over 40 million men in the U.S. suffer from enlarge prostate gland, besides referred to as BPH ( Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia ), ” says Peter Walter, MD, FACS, of western New York Urology Associates in Jamestown, NY. “ This can cause symptoms such as a weak urinary current or patronize day micturition. As men get older, the prostate continues to grow, and symptoms much worsen. This can result in the complete inability to empty the bladder, requiring a catheter or incursive prostate surgery. ”
The Rx: “ Worsening urinary symptoms are not just a normal separate of the aging process, ” says Walter. “ They can be a warning augury of bladder wrong, and should not be ignored. ” If you have symptoms of BPH or urinary difficulties, see your doctor .


Ignoring Early Signs of Dementia

Horizontal portrait of stressful stylish unshaven male regrets something, keeps hand on head, looks down in despair Dementia is most common in older age, but it can affect men a young as their 40s. It ‘s estimated that 200,000 Americans have early onset Alzheimer ‘s, The Alzheimer ‘s Organization says .
The Rx: If you observe memory problems, write down the symptoms and contact your doctor for an evaluation. “ Dementia and early signals of cognitive decline should not be considered normal and irreversible, ” says Donovitz. “ There is a range of treatments and therapies to be explored. ”
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Not Getting Treated for ED

Unhappy couple not speaking to each other on bed at home in the bedroom Do n’t suffer in secrecy about erectile dysfunction—talk with your healthcare supplier about it. More than your sex life could be at stake. Erectile dysfunction can be an early sign of serious health issues, including cardiac problems, diabetes and low .
The Rx: If you have ED, see your repair. several effective therapies are available .


Not Getting Quality Sleep

Sleepy man wearing shirt, preparing for work in morning, unhappy with appearance Insomnia and hapless timbre rest does n’t equitable run the gamble of making you excitable the future day. Without adequate rest, your soundbox ca n’t adequately repair itself ; that increases your gamble of health problems such as cancer, heart disease and dementia .
The Rx: If you ‘re having trouble getting seven to nine hours of quality sleep a night, spill the beans with your repair about it .


Eating Too Much Salt

Adding salt. Backlight to salt from salt shaker. eminent sodium inhalation is a risk factor for high rake pressure, which raises your prospect of having a center attack. Studies show that most Americans consume about 3,400mg of sodium daily — way over the recommend 2,300mg ( about one teaspoon of salt ) .
The Rx: Do n’t add salt to your meals. Avoid fast food and processed foods, which tend to come loaded with sodium. Inspect nutrition facts labels and choose products low in sodium .
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Ignoring the Risk of Stroke

CT scan of the brain of a patient with intracranial hemorrhage The risk of accident increases as we age—and the huge majority can be avoided. The National Stroke Association says that up to 80 percentage of strokes are preventable .
Remedy Rx: Keep your blood pressure down and weight in a healthy range. If you have senior high school cholesterol, diabetes or AFib, get them under control—all are risk factors for stroke. Do n’t smoke, and keep your alcohol intake under two drinks a day .


Drinking Too Much Alcohol

Bartender Serve Whiskey, on wood bar. excessive alcohol consumption increases the risk of cancer and heart disease. And you may be drinking more than you think. Experts recommend moderate drinking—defined as no more than two alcoholic drinks per day for men, and one drink for women .
The Rx: If you ‘re having perturb cutting back, lecture with your repair .
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Stressing Out

Stressed out man “ stress that ‘s left unbridled can contribute to many health problems, such as high blood press, heart disease, fleshiness and diabetes, ” says the Mayo Clinic .
The Rx: Relieve stress by getting regular exercise, socializing and creating clock for yourself. Relaxation techniques such as mindfulness can besides help .


Ignoring Your Cholesterol Level

High cholesterol high blood cholesterol clog arteries, increasing your hazard of center attack and stroke. Have you had yours checked recently ? Your entire cholesterol flat should be less than 200 milligrams per deciliter ( mg/dL ), with an LDL of less than 100 mg/dL and an HDL of 60 mg/dL or higher .
The Rx: Experts recommend getting a cholesterol check every five years ; older adults may need one more often. To keep your LDL ( “ bad ” ) cholesterol level down, eat a diet low in saturated fat, exercise regularly and maintain a healthy weight .
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Eating Too Much Added Sugar

Man is dangerously eating junk food and cold drink while driving his car You ‘ve credibly heard the raw health maxim : sugar is the newfangled smoke. It ‘s not an exaggeration. Drinking sugar-sweetened beverages and eating a diet high gear in add and polished sugars increases your risk of fleshiness, diabetes and high blood pressure, which in change by reversal raises your risk of heart disease and stroke.

The Rx: Skip pop, fruit juices and other sugary beverages, and limit your pulmonary tuberculosis of added carbohydrate by choosing whole foods and products that have fiddling or none. And to get through this pandemic at your healthy, do n’t miss these 35 Places You’re Most Likely to Catch COVID.