The County provides a variety of programs and resources to encourage and support employee wellness.
OC Healthy Steps : annual Health and Wellness Program
At the County of Orange, our employees ’ health and health are a clear priority for us.
To help employees meet their health goals, the County provides a variety show of programs and resources to encourage and support employee health. In summation to accessing these through your health plan, the County ’ s Wellness Vendor, StayWell, provides interactional, personalized tools to support your health goals .
To increase awareness of health risks and to provide opportunities to improve or maintain your health, eligible employees are encouraged to participate in the annual OC Healthy Steps ( OCHS ) platform period to receive a health credit rating toward their County health design costs.
All employees are encouraged to log in to the StayWell portal site at to learn more about the OCHS Wellness Credit and the personalize programs and resources available.
If you have questions about the plan or want aid, please call StayWell Customer Service at 1-800-492-9812 .
The recent OCHS program menstruation ended on August 20, 2021. If you have questions about your completion condition for your OC Healthy Steps Wellness Credit or need to file an solicitation for your 2022 OC Healthy Steps Wellness Credit, please call the OC Healthy Steps/StayWell Customer Service at 1-800-492-9812. Appeals can be accepted through January 31, 2022.
If you are filing an appeal, Customer Service will ask you questions such as your name ( as it appears in the County payroll ), Employee ID, and rationality for your attract. If it is determined that extra information or software documentation is needed for your invoke to be completed, you will be contacted and given instructions on how and where to submit the documentation. Your entreaty will be reviewed by the Appeals Committee. The County will notify you in writing via mail of the decision. The expected reversion time to receive an appeal determination is 2-4 weeks .
Please note that if you are asked to submit extra documentation, the keep up will be required :
Health Risk Assessment (HRA):
- Copy of assessment results page (with actual results redacted)
- Copy of screenshot from StayWell website showing completion
- Any HRA partially completed or completed after August 20th will not constitute completion of the step
Non-Smoker Attestation:
- Copy of Non-Smoker Attestation page with a response
- Copy of screenshot from the StayWell website showing completion
- Any attestations completed after August 20th will not constitute completion of the step
If you do not have software documentation verifying the steps were completed, you must include any extenuate circumstances that prevented you from completing the steps during the indicate engagement time period. Appeals ascribable to extenuating circumstances should include any represent documentation necessity to support the extenuating circumstances .
Without either documentation verifying completion or valid extenuating circumstances, the appeal will be denied. Appeals will be accepted through January 31, 2022. Please allow a minimum of two weeks for your appeal to be reviewed.