Tips for Parents

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The # 1 key to raising goodly eaters is the division of duty – Parents Provide, Kids Decide !

  • Parents and caregivers are responsible for what, when, and where.
  • The child is responsible for how much and whether to eat.

The division of duty applies at all ages, infancy to early childhood to adolescence .

  • In infancy, it is important to feed your baby on demand, letting him/her determine the timing and tempo of feeding. (See section Feeding Guide: 0-5 month old.) 
  • As baby develops and becomes more regular in his eating patterns, you gradually take on responsibility for when and where to feed. 
  • Most children are ready to join in with family meals and snack routine by the end of the first year. At that point parents focus on what, when, and where.

Parents’ Jobs with Feeding

Whether your child is finical, eats besides much or besides little, or is excessively big or besides thin, the solution is the same : do your jobs with feeding and let your child do his jobs with consume. Improve the mealtime experience with your children with steering from the Satter set about.

  • Choose and prepare the food.
  • Provide regular meals and snacks at the designated times for your family.   A normal routine brings comfort and consistency to a child’s life. 
  • Offer small portions and allow the child to ask for seconds. 
  • Make eating times pleasant.
  • Step-by-step, show your child by example how to behave at family mealtime.
  • Be considerate of your child’s lack of food experience without catering to likes and dislikes.
  • Do not let your child have food or beverages (except for water) between meal and snack times.
  • Do not use food as a reward, bribe, or means to quiet the child.
  • Let your child grow into the body that is right for him.

Trust Your Child

function of your feeding job is to trust your child to :

  • Eat the amount he needs.
  • Learn to eat the food you eat.
  • Grow predictably in the way that is right for him. 
  • Learn to behave well at mealtime.

“Good” Eaters

Children are “ good ” eaters when they :

  • Like eating
  • Are interested in food
  • Feel good about eating
  • Like being at the table
  • Can wait a few minutes to eat when hungry
  • Can try a new food and learn to like it
  • Like a lot of different foods
  • Can eat until full
  • Can stop when full
  • Can eat in other places besides home
  • Can say “no” politely when they don’t want to eat
  • Can be around new or strange foods without getting upset
  • Have good table manners
  • Can “make do” with less-favorite foods

Munch Code

The Munch Code helps you and your class make chic food choices when eating. It uses a dealings lighter system to label foods as k, yellow, or red to cursorily and well see what food and drinks are a healthy or less healthy choice .

  • Green foods/drinks are the healthiest option and can be enjoyed often. Think Go!
  • Yellow foods/drinks may have added sodium and calories and should be eaten occasionally. Think Slow!
  • Red foods/drinks are the highest in sodium, sugar, fat, and calories, and the least healthy. These foods should be eaten sparingly. The key is not to eliminate all the Red, but keep everything in moderation. Think Stop!

Stop Lights Food Table

Food Group
green Light
yellow Light
red Light

Almost all fresh, frozen, and canned vegetables without added fat and sauces
All vegetables with added fat and sauces
Fried potatoes, like French fries or hash browns

Oven-baked French fries
Other deep-fried vegetables

All fresh, frozen, canned (in 100% juice), and dried fruit (without sugar added)
100% fruit juice
Fruits canned in heavy syrup

Fruits canned in light syrup

Dried fruits (with added sugar)

Whole-grain breads, pita bread
White refined flour bread, rice, and pasta
Croissants, muffins, doughnuts, sweet rolls

Tortillas, pasta, & brown rice
French toast, waffles, pancakes
Crackers made with trans fat

Hot & cold unsweetened whole grain breakfast cereals
Taco shells, cornbread, biscuits
Sweetened breakfast cereals

Dairy (Milk, Yogurt, and Cheese)
Fat-free or 1% reduced-fat milk
2%, low-fat milk
Whole milk (choose for children age 1-2 years)

Fat-free or low-fat yogurt
Full-fat cheese slices

Part skim, reduced fat, and fat-free cheese
Processed cheese spread
Whole-milk yogurt

Low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese

Protein (Meats, Poultry, Fish, Eggs, Beans, and Nuts)
Trimmed beef and pork
Ham, Canadian bacon
Untrimmed beef and pork

Extra lean ground beef
Regular ground beef; fried hamburgers

Chicken and turkey without skin
Chicken and turkey with skin
Ribs, bacon, fried chicken, chicken nuggets

Peanut butter, nuts and seeds
Low-fat hot dogs
Hot dogs, pepperoni, sausage

Tuna canned in water
Tuna canned in oil
Fried fish and shellfish

Eggs (cooked without added fat or salt)
Lunch meats
Whole eggs cooked with fat

Sweets & Snacks
Frozen 100% fruit juice bars
Cookies, cakes, pies, cheese cake

Ice cream, chocolate, candy, chips

Low-fat microwave popcorn
Buttered microwave popcorn

Other Calories
Vinegar, ketchup, mustard
Creamy salad dressing
Butter, margarine, lard, gravy

Fat-free creamy salad dressing
Low-fat mayonnaise
Regular creamy salad dressing, mayonnaise

Fat-free mayonnaise, fat-free sour cream
Low-fat sour cream
Tartar sauce, sour cream, cheese sauce

Vegetable oil, olive oil and oil-based salad dressing
Cream cheese dips

2% low-fat milk
Whole milk, regular soda

Fat-free milk or 1% reduced-fat milk
100% fruit juice
Sweetened iced teas and lemonade

Sports drinks
Fruit drinks with less than 100% fruit juice

Juice Tips

juice can be separate of a healthy diet…just stick to 100 % juice and don ’ t drink excessively much !
Fruit and 100 % fruit juices are excellent dietary sources of Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Folic Acid, Potassium. however, juice does not provide character like whole fruits. Fiber is authoritative to make you feel full for longer .
Did you know: Juice can cause weight profit, cramps and gas, diarrhea, tooth decay, and poor appetite for healthier foods .
If given, restrict to :

  • ½ cup (4 ounces) per day for 1-3 year old
  • ½ – ¾ cup (4-6 ounces) per day for children 4-6 years old
  • 1 cup (8 ounces) for 7-18 year old
  • No juice is recommended for children less than 1 year.
  • Children do not need juice every day. Whole fruit is preferred to get additional nutrients and fiber not available in juice.

Tips to reduce juice intake

  • Be a good role model by making healthy beverage choices like drinking more water.
  • Dilute it half and half with water.
  • Offer whole fruit instead of 100% fruit juice when possible.

What to look for

If the tag reads 100 % vitamin C, it is not necessarily 100 % yield juice.

  • Avoid products with these names on the label: Flavored Juice Drink, Juice Cocktail, Citrus Beverage, Cherry Limeade
  • Avoid juice drinks with these added ingredients: High Fructose Corn Syrup, Sugar, Sucrose

Food Groups

See the Healthy Eating : food Groups incision for more information on food groups and MyPlate .
This post was last update on October 14th, 2020 at 11:31 AM This initiation is an equal opportunity supplier .

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Category : Healthy