The First Trimester

Your First Prenatal Visit

Your first prenatal visit is the most thorough. A complete medical history is taken, a physical examination is done, and certain tests and procedures are performed to assess the health of both you and your unborn baby. Your first prenatal sojourn may include :

  • Personal medical history. This may include taking read of any of the following :

    • previous and stream aesculapian conditions, like diabetes, senior high school lineage atmospheric pressure ( high blood pressure ), anemia and/or allergies
    • current medicines ( prescription, over-the-counter and nutritional supplements )

    • previous surgeries
  • Maternal and paternal family medical history, including illnesses, intellectual or developmental disabilities, and familial disorders, like sickle cellular telephone disease or tay-sachs disease disease
  • Personal gynecological and obstetrical history, including past pregnancies ( stillbirths, miscarriages, deliveries, terminations ) and menstrual history ( length and duration of menstrual periods )
  • Education, including a discussion regarding the importance of proper nutrition and expected system of weights gain in pregnancy ; regular exercise ; the avoidance of alcohol, drugs and tobacco during pregnancy ; and a discussion of any concerns about domestic ferocity
  • Pelvic exam. This examination may be done for one or all of the comply reasons :

    • To note the size and put of the uterus
    • To determine the age of the fetus
    • To check the pelvic bone size and structure
    • To perform a Pap quiz ( besides called Pap smear ) to find the presence of abnormal cells
  • Lab tests, including the following :

    • Urine tests. These are done to screen for bacteria, glucose and protein.

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    • Blood tests. These are done to determine your lineage type .

      • All pregnant women are tested for the Rh component during the early weeks of pregnancy. Rh incompatibility happens when the mother ’ mho blood is rh-negative, the father ’ second blood is rh-positive and the fetus ’ blood is rh-positive. The mother may make antibodies against the rh-positive fetus, which may lead to anemia in the fetus. Incompatibility problems are watched and allow medical treatment is available to prevent the formation of Rh antibodies during pregnancy. There are besides other blood antibodies that may cause problems in pregnancy that are screened for on the first visit .
  • Blood screening tests. These are done to find diseases that could have an effect on the pregnancy. One example is german measles, an infectious disease that is besides call german measles .
  • Genetic tests. These are done to find inherit diseases, like sickle cell disease and tay-sachs disease disease .
  • Other screening tests. These are performed to find infectious diseases, like sexually transmitted diseases and urinary tract infections .

The first base prenatal visit is besides an opportunity to ask any questions or discuss any concerns that you may have about your pregnancy .

The First Trimester: What to Expect

A healthy first tailored is crucial to the normal development of the fetus. You may not be showing much on the outside so far, but on the inwardly, all of the major body organs and systems of the fetus are forming .
As the embryo implants itself into the uterine wall, several developments take place, including the formation of the :

  • Amniotic sac. A sac filled with amniotic fluid, called the amniotic pouch, surrounds the fetus throughout the pregnancy. The amniotic fluid is liquid made by the fetus and the amnion ( the membrane that covers the fetal side of the placenta ) that protects the fetus from wound. It besides helps to regulate the temperature of the fetus .
  • Placenta. The placenta is an organ shaped like a flat patty that alone grows during pregnancy. It attaches to the uterine wall with bantam projections called villus. Fetal blood vessels grow from the umbilical cord into these villi, exchanging nutriment and waste products with your blood. The fetal rake vessels are separated from your blood add by a thin membrane.

  • Umbilical cord. The umbilical cord cord is a ropelike cord connecting the fetus to the placenta. The umbilical cord cord contains two arteries and a vein, which carry oxygen and nutrients to the fetus and waste products off from the fetus .

It is during this first clean-cut that the fetus is most susceptible to damage from substances, like alcohol, drugs and certain medicines, and illnesses, like german measles ( german measles ) .
During the first gear trimester, your body and your baby ’ south body are changing quickly .

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Category : Healthy