11 Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds You Should Know!

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Packed with loads of nutrients, sunflower seeds are actually fruits of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ). These bantam egg white coloured seeds are encased in grey black shells .
These soft seeds have a mild balmy season. You can roast them to increase their preference or have them as it is .
Nutritional value of Sunflower Seeds :

  • Sunflower seeds are rich in calories. 100 grams of these seeds give around 585 calories of energy. They have a good sum of character ( 8.5 gravitational constant ) and fats ( 51.5 gravitational constant ). Fats present are largely polyunsaturated and monounsaturated ; which are good fats. They are besides rich people in protein ( 20.77 guanine ) .
  • They are loaded with vitamins like Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic acid, Folate, Choline, vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin E .
  • incorporate minerals like calcium, cast-iron, magnesium, manganese, morning star, potassium, sodium, zinc etc .
  • Sunflower seeds when consumed, besides provide us with plant compounds like flavonoids and phenolic resin acids that are strong antioxidants. [ 1 ]

Health Benefits of Sunflower Seeds:

  • Immunity Booster:

Immunity boosting effects of sunflower seeds are due to the presence of vitamin E, zinc and selenium in them .
Vitamin E enhances immune responses and protects against several infectious diseases. [ 2 ] It is besides a knock-down antioxidant and prevents unblock radicals from damaging goodly cells in our torso .
Zinc protects our body from inflammation, allergies and invading pathogens, frankincense preventing infections and increasing overall unsusceptibility. [ 3 ] selenium reduces inflammation and enhances immunity. [ 4 ] It besides helps to reduce oxidative stress from loose radicals .

  • Reduces Cholesterol:

The fiber content of sunflower seeds decreases levels of LDL cholesterol in the blood. [ 5 ] Niacin or vitamin B3 award in sunflower seeds reduces total cholesterol levels and risk of heart diseases. [ 6 ] Vitamin B5 or pantothenic acid in sunflower seeds increases HDL cholesterol and reduces total serum cholesterol levels. [ 7 ] besides Read : high Cholesterol Diet – Foods To Eat & Avoid

  • Cardioprotective Effects:

Sunflower seeds are deep in oleic and linoleic acid and low in saturated fats and sodium. They besides contain magnesium, potassium and fiber. [ 8 ] They help to lower blood coerce and serum cholesterol levels. Consuming them besides reduces the happening of cardiac arrhythmia. All these effects help to protect our body from occurrence of cardiovascular disorders .

  • Reduces risk of Cancer:

Beta-sitosterol, a phytosterol present in sunflower seeds helps to prevent breast cancer. [ 9 ] It inhibits the growth of tumor cells, decreases the size of the tumor and besides prevents metastasis .
presence of solid antioxidants in sunflower seeds besides reduces the risk of cancer .
pulmonary tuberculosis of these seeds besides reduces the chances of colon cancer .

  • Management of Diabetes:

Sunflower seeds are utilitarian in reducing blood boodle levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. [ 10 ]

Read More : 10 Best food For Diabetes

  • Boosts function of Brain:

Sunflower seeds contain vitamin B6. It improves climate and concentration and enhances memory. [ 11 ] It releases serotonin and noradrenaline in our body .
Sunflower seeds besides help to ease symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome ( PMS ) .
besides Read : 5 Foods That Are good For Brain

  • Helps in Weight Loss:

Sunflower seeds are rich in proteins and fiber. They make us feel wax for a long time, reduce our food inhalation and last reduce the numeral of calories consumed. This helps in reduction of system of weights .

  • A Powerhouse of Energy:

Sunflower seeds are a good source of vitamin b1 ( vitamin B1 ). Thiamine helps to breakdown carbohydrates, proteins and fats present in our food into energy. [ 12 ] They besides help in muscle build .
A handful of sunflower seeds can give you clamant energy when consumed .
besides Read : 9 Energy Giving Foods to Solve Your Energy Woes

  • Helps in Treatment of Anaemia:

Sunflower seeds are a good source of iron. Consuming these seeds helps to up our iron levels ; frankincense helping people suffering from anemia .
Read More : 7 Home Remedies for Anaemia

  • Helps to Detox our Body:

Sunflower seeds have potent antibacterial activity. They help in efficaciously removing bacteria and germs from cells .
They besides help to flush out toxins from our torso .

  • Good for our Skin:

Consuming sunflower seeds keep our skin burn. Antibacterial and fungicidal activity of these seeds besides prevents infections, therefore keeping our skin net .
Oleic and linoleic acids, present in sunflower seeds help in the formation of collagen and elastin, speeding up wound healing. They besides prevent the formation of scars .

  • Helpful During Pregnancy:

Sunflower seeds are loaded with Vitamine E, which is a nutrient known to be extremely beneficial for prenatal health. This means, Vitamin E helps in the development of the baby inside the uterus. therefore, sunflower seeds are an effective source of nutriment for meaning women and their babies .
besides Read : 10 Foods That Are beneficial For Skin
Sunflower Seeds are usually of two types-

  • Sunflower Seeds that we eat
  • Sunflower Seeds used to extract oil.

Around 2000 seeds are obtained from large sunflower heads. These seeds can be eaten as a nosh or they can be added to :

  • Mukhwas
  • Nutrition bars
  • Bread
  • Muffins
  • Yoghurt
  • Stir-fries
  • Salads

You can even have sunflower butter made using these seeds .
Read More : Health Benefits & Uses of Sabja Seeds

Side effects of Sunflower Seeds:

  • excess pulmonary tuberculosis of sunflower seeds may cause vomit, stomach ache and stultification .
  • People allergic to sunflower seeds may show symptoms like vomiting, rashes, breathing trouble, swelling and itching around the mouth etc .
  • Sunflower seeds are rich in calories. Consuming excessively a lot may lead to system of weights gain .
  • Sunflower seeds contain traces of cadmium. Eating besides many seeds can be harmful to our kidneys .
  • Eating contaminated sprout seeds may lead to bacterial infection ( Salmonella ) .

besides Read : 12 Health Benefits of Poppy Seeds

Daily Dose of Sunflower Seeds :

  • Sunflower seeds should not be consumed more than 1 small cup ( around 30 grams ) per day .

besides Read : 14 Health Benefits of Pumpkin Seeds

source : https://nutritionline.net
Category : Healthy