Sugar free chewing gum

What is sugar-free gum?

Sugar-free chewing gum does not have any carbohydrate in it. The taste is added using sweeteners, and therefore the gum does not cause tooth decay. The gum releases its spirit over a period of time, fair like ordinary gum tree .

Why is chewing sugar-free gum good for my teeth and gums?

Chewing sugar-free glue helps protect your teeth and gums in between meals when it may not be potential to brush with a soup-strainer and fluoride toothpaste .
Your teeth are more at gamble of acerb attack after you have eaten. The acid is produced by plaque bacteria, and the sugars in our food and drink in, and it slowly dissolves away the enamel and dentine of the tooth, to produce a hole or ‘ cavity ‘. ( Plaque is the thin, gluey film that keeps forming on your teeth. It contains many types of bacteria which can cause tooth decay and gum disease. )
You can reduce this acidic attack by chewing sugar-free gum, as it helps the mouth to produce more saliva – the mouth ‘s natural defense against acid.

Can sugar-free gum help to protect against dental erosion?

alveolar consonant erosion is caused by the acids in the things we eat and drink, such as citrus fruit, fruit juices and fizzing drinks. These start to eat into the enamel covering the tooth, and remove some of the minerals making up the enamel. By helping us make more saliva, chewing sugar-free gingiva can besides help to reduce this type of acidic attack. It takes the saliva about an hour to replace the minerals that the enamel has lost. Chewing sugar-free mumble for 20 minutes after eating or toast can increase the stream of saliva, and help replace the minerals more cursorily .
See the diagram below. It shows how your tooth enamel is at risk from acidic attack after food and drink, and how long it takes the acid level in the mouth to return to the safe zone. ph is the measure of acidity, with levels below 5.5 being acid enough to soften tooth enamel. Chewing sugar-free glue after eating can promptly lower the come of acid that attacks the tooth .

Can chewing sugar-free gum help with dry mouth and bad breath?

Dry mouthpiece and bad breath are much caused by a dilute saliva hang. When you chew sugar-free gum your talk makes more saliva and the symptoms of dry mouth and bad breath may be reduced .

What is Xylitol and where does it come from?

Xylitol is a lifelike bait and is found in some berries, fruit, vegetables and mushrooms. It has a pleasantness equal to that of sugar. Xylitol is normally made from birch bark .

Why is Xylitol especially good for my teeth?

Xylitol helps to prevent plaque bacteria sticking to the tooth. Studies have shown that xylitol can help reduce tooth decay and tied help reverse the decay itself by helping to replace the minerals in tooth enamel .

When should I chew sugar-free gum?

It is best to chew soon after eating .
Chewing for up to twenty minutes increases the hang of saliva, speeding up the time that it takes for saliva to cancel out the acid. Remember that brass starts to form again within half an hour of cleaning your teeth .

How many times a day can you chew?

It is recommended to chew boodle release gingiva after consume and drink on the go .

Is sugar-free gum safe to use for children?

We do not recommend that children under the long time of seven chew gum tree. But this is something for parents to decide .

Is sugar-free gum suitable for vegetarians

Some chewing gums can contain animal glycerol and are not desirable for vegetarians. however, most sugar-free gums now alone contain a type of non-animal glycerol and are desirable for vegetarians .

Can I chew sugar-free gum if I have dentures or braces?

People with certain types of dentures may find that sugar-free glue sticks to the teeth and palate of the denture.

Sugar-free gum is not recommended if you have a pair .

Do I still need to brush my teeth if I’ve used chewing gum?

Yes. You will hush need to brush twice a day with a fluoride toothpaste, and clean in between your teeth with interdental brushes or floss at least once a day to keep your teeth and gums goodly .

Is there a difference between the gum sticks and gum pellets?

The main remainder between sticks and pellets is the size. Pellets tend to be smaller than sticks so they may be better for children and people with smaller mouths .

What happens if I swallow the gum?

There is no attest that swallowing gum is harmful. Swallowed gum will pass through your system like any other food, although it may take a fiddling longer .

How should I get rid of my sugar-free gum?

Sugar-free gum tree can make a mess merely like ordinary mumble if you drop it on the floor or stick it to a open. Wrap it and then put it in a bin .

Can sugar-free gum whiten my teeth?

Some sugar-free chew gums have a ‘ whitening’ claim. Although these products can not lighten the natural coloring material of your teeth, they may help to lessen any staining which could build-up on your teeth due to smoking, or drink red wine or coffee .

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GetImage Thank you to Wrigley, who have kindly provided us with an educational grant for this information. Wrigley ‘s support does not only allow us to develop and maintain this advice on-line but means that we can continue to provide this critical resource as a print cusp for dental practices and hospitals to hand out to patients and leave in waiting areas .

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