Related Testing
The book of vent that makes up the TLC can be calculated by immediately measuring the lung volumes at different phases of the respiratory cycle and by measuring the remaining bulk of air in the lungs after maximal halitus. This kinship calculates as the total lung capacity equaling the sum of functional remainder capacity and the inspiratory capacity or as the equation : TLC = FRC + IC. The FRC is only measurable by plethysmography, nitrogen natural gas washout, or helium natural gas dilution methods, or using computed imaging ( CT ). Once the FRC gas bulk is measured and the RV is determined, the follow extra equations that can be used to calculate the TLC ; the sum of the four lung volumes : TLC = RV + ERV + IRV + TV or the union of vital capacity and the residual volume : TLC = VC + RV. Plethysmography
Reading: Physiology, Lung Capacity
Plethysmography is used to measure the changes of pressure within a constant temperature and book bedroom. This test requires a affected role to exercise versatile respiratory maneuvers inside of an publicize sealed chamber while breathing through a spirometer or a pneumotachograph. During the respiratory exercises, chest wall expansion and collapse causal agent changes in the pressure within the chamber and a transducer within the chamber measures these changes. [ 4 ] These blackmail changes at respective phases of the respiratory cycle are then analyzed to calculate the FRC when compared to the results of spirometry. The underlying rationale to calculate the FRC by plethysmography has as its basis Boyle ’ second Law which states there is an inverse relationship between the book and blackmail of a gas when the temperature of that gas remains constant. [ 5 ] Boyle ’ s Law of gases equality : P1V1 = P2V2 is applied to plethysmography as initial press in the chamber multiplied by the initial volume in the chamber equals the pressure at the end of a breast expansion multiplied by the book in the chamber at the end of thorax expansion. Plethysmography is the gold standard and most accurate test for measuring lung volumes. [ 6 ] If using plethysmography on patients with clogging lung disease, the TLC may be subject to overestimate. [ 5 ] [ 6 ] Helium Gas Dilution The helium gas dilution method acting use helium gasoline, a non-absorbable boast by the alveolus of the lungs, to measure the FRC lung book in patients. This test begins by having a patient breathe a known book and concentration of helium flatulence mix from a spirometry chamber through a tube attached to the patient ’ mho sass. During this time, the helium concentration within the chamber then equalizes with the helium concentration in the lungs, and the quiz concludes when a change in natural gas concentrations is less than 0.02 %. [ 5 ] [ 7 ] The FRC is calculated by knowing that the concentration of helium gas at the trigger of the test will equal the lapp assiduity of boast at the end of the test based on the police of conservation of aggregate. [ 8 ] The equation used to solve for FRC in helium accelerator dilution then states that the FRC of helium flatulence equals the sleep together volume of flatulence used in the trial multiplied by the difference of the initial divide helium gas and the final divide of helium boast at the end of the quiz. This result is then divided by the final fraction of helium gas at the end of the test or as described in this equation : FRC = V1(FHe1-FHe2) / FHe2. [ 5 ] Helium and nitrogen gasoline dilution methods may measure lower lung volumes or TLC in patients with airflow obstruction ; this is because both of these tests are unable to measure ailing ventilated areas of the lung. [ 5 ] [ 7 ]
Nitrogen Gas Washout A nitrogen washout method is besides a mannequin of a flatulence dilutional technique used to measure the FRC to calculate the TLC by giving a patient 100 % oxygen to remove nitrogen gas from the lungs. This screen requires a affected role to breathe through a mouthpiece that has two-one way valves, one valve that allows the patient to inhale 100 % oxygen and a moment valve that allows the patient to exhale breaths into a pneumotachograph that measures nitrogen accelerator concentration and the volume of exhale air. [ 4 ] The test begins with clipping the nares of the patient close, followed by tidal breaths for 1 minute ; then the patient is given 100 % oxygen natural gas delivery at end termination. This test lasts for about 7 minutes as this is the calculate time for completion of nitrogen flop from the lungs or the test discontinues after the nitrogen natural gas concentration falls to less than 1.5 %. [ 5 ] Nitrogen washout works because of the stick to two reasons : 1 ) Nitrogen accelerator makes up about 78 % of the gases in our atmosphere, and identical minimal amounts of nitrogen flatulence can diffuse across the tooth socket of the lungs and dissolve into the lineage 2 ) The volume of nitrogen gas washed out of the lungs equals the initial volume of nitrogen in the lungs. Thus the FRC can be calculated by solving for the deviation of volume nitrogen washed out and nitrogen gasoline tissue elimination divided by the deviation between initial and concluding nitrogen natural gas concentration or the equation : FRC nitrogen gas = (nitrogen gas washed out) – (nitrogen gas tissue excretion) / initial – final nitrogen gas lung concentration. [ 5 ] Nitrogen boast flop testing remains a more childlike and easy test for patients who may have difficulties performing plethysmography. Patients with clogging lung disease who undergo nitrogen boast washout have been found to have underestimate of lung book measurements and TLC to [ 5 ] [ 9 ] Computed Tomography (CT)
Computed imaging scan of the thorax is a method that requires the manipulation of radiological visualize to calculate lung volumes. This test requires a patient to hold their breath at full moon inhalant while lying resistless in the process of receiving a CT scan of the breast. [ 10 ] After completion of the CT of the breast, the TLC is calculated by solving for the sum summarize of each image axial cross-section sphere multiplied by the thickness of the slit. [ 4 ] [ 5 ] The practice of CT for measuring lung volumes in patients with convention pneumonic routine testing and restrictive lung disease ( caused by chest wall defects, pneumonic defects, or pleural disease ) were found to have alike FRC, RV, and TLC values when compared to lung volumes measured by plethysmography and for both helium and nitrogen dilution techniques. [ 10 ] In patients with clogging lung disease, plethysmography and CT yield alike measurements of lung volumes, while gasoline dilution techniques with helium gasoline in clogging lung disease underestimates lung volumes when compared to CT measurements. [ 10 ] The CT scan method for measuring lung volumes is not wide used in the clinical setting as this method acting remains expensive and exposes patients to unnecessary radiation. [ 9 ] Spirometry spirometry is a common test used in the clinical set for assessing pneumonic function and diagnosis of pneumonic diseases by measuring forced expiratory book in one second gear ( FEV1 ) and forced full of life capacitance ( FVC ). The use of spirometry alone is often misconstrued as a test used to calculate the TLC when in fact, this test can not measure the RV, the remaining bulk of air in the lungs after maximum halitus. furthermore, to use spirometry to calculate the TLC, it should be combined with plethysmography, flatulence dilution, boast washout, or radiographic image to estimate the RV .