- 1 10 Foods That Can Increase Sperm Count and Motility Fast
- 1.1 Beef: Loaded with Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin B 12, and Carnitine for Sperm Count and Motility
- 1.2 Liver – Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Folate
- 1.3 Salmon + Sardines- Omega 3
- 1.4 Oysters – Zinc, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Selenium
- 1.5 Brazil Nuts, Tuna, Beef, Pork – Selenium
- 1.6 Tomatoes – Lycopene, Vitamin C
- 1.7 Walnuts – Omega 3, Folate, B6, Zinc, Antioxidants
- 1.8 Garlic – A Surprise Food to Increase Sperm Count
- 1.9 Amla Berry (Indian Gooseberries)
- 1.10 Avoid These Foods to Increase Sperm Count or Motility
- 1.11 The Bottom Line on Foods That Increase Sperm Count and Motility
10 Foods That Can Increase Sperm Count and Motility Fast
If you ’ re wondering how to increase sperm count and motility by food, then you ’ ve semen to the correctly position. approximately half of all cases of sterility are caused by men with the most noteworthy issues being decreased sperm count and motion. fortunately, men are constantly producing new sperm, and many of the issues that cause poor sperm health can be improved by eating foods that increase sperm count and motility and avoiding food and early behaviors known to harm sperm health. Sperm health matters whether you ’ re trying to conceive naturally or with the help of fertility treatments like IUI ( aka artificial insemination ), IVF, or flush Donor Egg IVF ; so listen up, as this article will cover 10 of the clear foods that increase sperm count and motion fast.
Table of Contents
- Beef: Loaded with Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin B 12, and Carnitine for Sperm Count and Motility
- Liver – Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Folate
- Salmon + Sardines- Omega 3
- Oysters – Zinc, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Selenium
- Brazil Nuts, Tuna, Beef, Pork – Selenium
- Tomatoes – Lycopene, Vitamin C
- Walnuts – Omega 3, Folate, B6, Zinc, Antioxidants
- Garlic – A Surprise Food to Increase Sperm Count
- Amla Berry (Indian Gooseberries)
- Avoid These Foods to Increase Sperm Count or Motility
- The Bottom Line on Foods That Increase Sperm Count and Motility
Beef: Loaded with Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin B 12, and Carnitine for Sperm Count and Motility
Beef is one of many foods that can increase sperm count and motion. It is loaded with all sorts of important nutrients for motion, sperm development, and overall sperm health, including zinc, selenium, vitamin B12, carnitine, and more .1 lb Ribeye SteakAmount % Daily ValueZinc22.4 mg72%Selenium133.3 mcg192%Vitamin B126.4 mcg56%Carnitine432 mg– The benefits of zinc for sperm choice are well documented, and zinc is one of the nutrients found at its highest concentration in gripe. Zinc has been shown to improve many aspects of male birthrate, including sperm count, motion, morphology, and more. Research has shown that zinc is found at a higher concentration in human seminal plasma compared to any early human tissue. The results of a systematic review and meta-analysis on zinc and its relationship to male fertility showed that getting more zinc can significantly increase sperm volume, motility, and percentage of normal sperm morphology. Many other studies have produced alike findings and found that zinc can improve respective aspects of male richness. Acetyl L-Carnitine ( ALC ), besides known as carnitine, plays a pivotal function in the growth of sperm. Most of the research surrounding carnitine indicates it is most effective at improving sperm motility, but it can also help to improve sperm morphology and overall male fertility. so if you ’ re wondering how to increase sperm count and motility by food, the best position to start is likely a nice fat steak .
Liver – Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Folate
Liver is a premium reference of many different vitamins that have been shown to play a all-important function in supporting male fertility, like vitamins A and B12, vitamin bc, and Co Q10 .3.5 oz LiverAmount%DVVitamin A14196 IU285%Vitamin B1249.8 mcg831%Folate243.6 mcg60%Co Q104.5 mg– research has shown that vitamin A is substantive for male reproduction. Vitamin A is required for the maintenance of the male genital tract and spermatogenesis (the development of sperm.) Co Q10 is beneficial for men suffering from sterility issues, particularly asthenozoospermia ( poor sperm motion. ) Co-Q10 can help to improve several semen parameters, including; sperm concentration, count, and motility. That said, 4.5 magnesium of CoQ10 is much less than the commend dose of CoQ10 for Fertility so you may want to consider a male richness append like the Molecular Fertility ’ s Male Preconception+. placid, the Vitamin B, B12, Folate, and Protein contented of liver makes it one of the best foods to boost sperm count and other aspects of sperm health .
Salmon + Sardines- Omega 3
Salmon and sardines are loaded with omega 3 fatty acids, which are known to provide a laundry list of health benefits like lowering lineage pressure, reducing the development of brass in arteries, and many more. FoodAmount of Omega 3s%DVAmount of Vitamin B12%DVSalmon (1/2 filet 198g)3996 mg–6.3 mcg105%Sardines (1 cup)2205 mg–13.3 mcg222% Omega 3s are one of the best 10 vitamins and supplements to increase sperm count. They play a vital character in the structure and formation of sperm cells and all other cells. Consuming omega 3s can help to improve sperm motility, morphology and enhance sperm count. Salmon and sardines besides contain solid amounts of vitamin B 12, arginine, and aspartic acid which have besides been shown to increase sperm count and motility. All this makes fatso fish like Salmon and Sardines some of the top foods that boost sperm count and motion .
Oysters – Zinc, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, and Selenium
We mentioned zinc content as one of the reasons beef is the number one food to boost sperm count, but there ’ s no doubt that when it comes to zinc alone, Oysters are king. Oysters contain the greatest come of zinc of any food on this list, but they are besides an excellent source of vitamin B 12, Vitamin D, and Selenium. This jazz band makes oysters one of the crown foods for boosting sperm count and motility .Oysters (6 medium)Amount%DVZinc76.3 mg509%Vitamin B 1216.3 mcg272%Selenium53.5 mcg76%Vitamin D269 IU67% Vitamin B12 plays an important role in sperm development, as it does with all cells. Research has shown that vitamin B12 can help improve sperm count, sperm motility, and overall sperm quality. Since vitamin B12 plays an authoritative character in sperm exploitation, particularly DNA deduction, it makes sense that B12 improves the DNA integrity of sperm. Another study on vitamin B12 showed that in addition to improving motility, B12 can also help to improve sperm vitality. Vitamin D and birthrate are closely linked. The vitamin D sense organ ( VDR ) and vitamin D metabolize enzymes are found in male generative tissues. unfortunately, first gear vitamin D status has been associated with low semen timbre. This is likely due to the influence that vitamin D has on the testis. Vitamin D directly affects hormone production and the development of sperm. High vitamin D levels have been linked to increased sperm motility and overall semen quality. In addition to vitamins B12 and D, oysters besides contain a high concentration of selenium which has been shown to improve several aspects of male fertility .
Brazil Nuts, Tuna, Beef, Pork – Selenium
While you may have never heard of brazil nuts, they are an excellent source of selenium. selenium is fundamental to human health and is involved in many bodily processes including, proper immune system function, the production of active thyroid hormone, and sperm motion. If Brazil nuts are arduous to come by for you, selenium can besides be found at high concentrations in tuna, different sources of beef and pork barrel .FoodAmountRDABrazil Nuts (1 nut)68-91 mcg123%-165%Tuna (3 oz)92 mcg167%Bottom Round Beef Steak 33 mcg60%Pork (3 oz)33 mcg60% In one study, researchers measured the effects of selenium on sterile men. After selenium treatment, 52.6% of participants experienced an increase in sperm motility and morphology. Over 10 % of participants in the study achieved ad-lib pregnancy with their partners. respective other studies have produced similar results in support of selenium for improving sperm parameters. Studies show that consuming more vitamin C can increase rake antioxidant levels up to 30 % which reduces cellular price. In one study, men who received 2,000mg of vitamin C per day for 2 months showed substantial increases in their sperm count and motility. As you can see from the calculate above, vitamin C supplement caused the men in the studies ’ sperm counts to more than double .
In addition to the sperm count improvements, the share of motile sperm besides closely doubled from 31.2 % motility to 60.1 %. For mention, a motion of 50 % is considered normal.
Although the fruits mentioned in this section are packed with vitamin C, and make it onto our list of foods that boost sperm count and motility it can be dear impossible to achieve allow vitamin C levels through diet alone without risking toxic levels of sugar. Sugar as you probable know is bad for many areas of health and can actually be quite damaging to sperm health. As such, we recommend supplementing your diet with male fertility supplements like those produced by our identical own and front-runner supplement post, Molecular Fertility .
Tomatoes – Lycopene, Vitamin C
Tomatoes are another thoroughly reservoir of vitamin C, but they besides contain a substantial measure of the plant nutrient lycopene. Lycopene is what gives many different fruits their crimson color. It is known to be a mighty antioxidant with several positive effects on male richness. Tomato (1 medium) Amount%DVLycopene4 mg–Vitamin C22.9 mg38% In one study, researchers found that consuming 4 mg of lycopene daily (the amount found in a medium-sized tomato) improved men’s sperm counts by on average 22 million/ml, their motility by 25%, and morphology 10%. early studies have confirmed these findings and shown support for lycopene improving male birthrate. That makes tomatoes one key food that helps boost sperm count and more .
Walnuts – Omega 3, Folate, B6, Zinc, Antioxidants
Walnuts check multiple beneficial nutrients already mentioned in this article and besides that haven ’ t been discussed so far. Two B vitamins that are particularly supportive of male fertility and sperm quality are vitamin bc and B6 .Walnuts (1 cup)Amount %DVOmega 310,623 mg–Folate115 mcg29%B60.6 mg31%Zinc3.6 mg24% Like some of the other nutrients previously mentioned, folate is essential for male fertility and plays an important role in spermatogenesis. During sperm development, sperm DNA undergoes multiple replications. Folate is required for proper DNA synthesis and replication. When vitamin bc levels are humble, sperm may replicate improperly, which reduces sperm quality. Vitamin B6 is growing in popularity in the richness field. attest suggests that B6 plays an significant character in maintaining normal sperm parameters. In one study, men with diminished sperm motility were found to have lower seminal plasma B6 when compared to men with normal sperm motility. And that ’ s four reasons this delectable food increases sperm count .
Garlic – A Surprise Food to Increase Sperm Count
Garlic contains meaning amounts of several vitamins and nutrients mentioned in this article, but garlic as a whole has been found to have incontrovertible effects on male birthrate .Garlic (1 cup)Amount %DVVitamin C42.4 mg71%Vitamin B61.7 mg84%Selenium19.3 mcg28% Likely due to its antioxidant properties, garlic has been found to improve sperm production and testosterone levels. Although extra studies are required to confirm the efficacy of using garlic to improve other aspects of male richness, evidence suggests that garlic may besides protect against price to sperm output and testosterone levels caused by chemotherapy treatments. future time you ’ rhenium looking besides cook a meal with foods that increase sperm count, give in some supernumerary garlic .
Amla Berry (Indian Gooseberries)
alike to garlic, amla berries in solid have been shown to positively impact sperm quality and male birthrate. Amla berries are known as super antioxidants. In a review of 119 different berries, amla berries were one of thirteen berries categorized as having the highest antioxidant capacity. A significant amount of research exists in support of antioxidants ’ ability to improve male birthrate, specially sperm quality. Antioxidants shield our organs and cells, including those involved in spermatogenesis and early male birthrate processes, from harmful reactive oxygen species. Alma berries may be a tad bit hard to find, but due to their high antioxidant levels they deserve a spot on our list of foods that boost sperm count and motion .
Avoid These Foods to Increase Sperm Count or Motility
As there are foods you can eat to improve sperm count and motion, there are besides foods you should avoid .
Processed Meats
research shows that eating processed meats may reduce a man ’ south ability to fertilize an egg. Researchers at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health tracked the diets of 141 men undergoing IVF discussion with their female partner. A liaison was established between frequent processed kernel consumption and lower fertilization rates. world from the study who ate the least measure of process meats had a 28 % better find of achieving pregnancy compared to to men who ate the most process meats. other studies have affirmed these findings.
Fried Foods
When you ’ re trying to increase sperm count by food, you should steer clear of fry foods. Fried foods contain high levels of trans-fat, and trans-fat can be highly harmful to male fertility. Studies have shown that eating fried foods 1-2 times per workweek can decrease sperm counts by an average of 10.5 % and sperm concentrations by 13.7 %. Eating fried food 3 or more times per workweek can decrease sperm counts by an average of 24.5 % and sperm concentrations by 17.2 %. Trans fats have besides been inversely related to total sperm count, even in young men who are differently considered healthy.
Soy products contain xenoestrogens called phytoestrogens which are known to harm sperm. Phytoestrogens can reduce sperm concentration. other studies agree with these findings and show that a higher consumption of soy is associated with lower sperm concentration. The results of these studies have been published and discussed in the Harvard Health Publishing
Everything in moderation. It ’ s a fantastic proverb, particularly when it comes to alcohol and richness health. Studies have shown that moderate alcohol consumption doesn ’ t have a significant impact on richness. On the other hand, many studies exist showing that the fertility of alcoholic men suffers greatly. One study, in finical, focused on the difference in sperm quality between alcoholic and non-alcoholic men. Researchers concluded that decrease semen quality is linked to increased alcohol consumption. A meta-analysis of 15 studies on alcohol and its effects on male birthrate found that daily alcohol consumption had a systematically negative impact on sperm morphology and volume The dear news is that research has shown that men with a history of chronic alcohol drunkenness can achieve a drastic improvement in semen characteristics after three months of alcohol withdrawal.
The Bottom Line on Foods That Increase Sperm Count and Motility
There are many foods that increase sperm count, motility, and overall sperm health. Eating these specific foods and avoiding others are easy ways to improve your natural fertility and the find of getting meaning.
Read more: How To Enjoy Eating Healthy
That said, even when consuming a great diet with all of the food listed above, it can be difficult to get all of the nutrients you need in proper amounts and impossible to get nutrients like CoQ10, PQQ, and Ashwagandha. Because these hard to get nutrients are even better than many of the foods in this article, our experts recommend that men take a high-quality male richness supplement like the male bias or male preconception+ to ensure they are achieving appropriate levels of the nutrients mentioned in this article and the many others vitamins, minerals, biomolecules, and herb that have been shown to provide the ultimate increase in male fertility .