What do humans need to stay healthy?
What we eat and how we live can improve how we feel and stop us getting vomit .
Being healthy helps you feel well and means you ’ re less likely to get nauseated. It can besides help you not get pale when you ’ re older .
Guess what ? If you make sure you exercise, consume well, and wear sunscreen and a hat in the sun, you can besides help make surely you are a healthy adult when you grow up. That includes protecting you against cancer, diabetes and heart disease .
To stay healthy it ’ mho crucial that you eat a balanced diet, which means eating food from different food groups in the right amounts.
Reading: What do humans need to stay healthy?
Balanced diet
All the food we eat can be divided into five groups .
A balance diet includes all the food groups. Different foods give your body different nutrients, which are things your body needs to affair .
It ’ mho important to eat lots of different fruit and vegetables. Different coloured yield and vegetables besides have different vitamins and minerals .
- Eat a rainbow! Check out all these red and green and yellow and orange plant foods
Foods high in fat, salt and sugar ( like chocolate, sweets and cakes ) don ’ thyroxine give us many nutrients so it ’ s best not to eat these besides often .
Let ’ s take a spirit at some of the nutrients we need .
We need different vitamins to keep healthy. Vitamin C is beneficial for our clamber and vitamin A is good for our eyesight.
You find vitamins in fruits and vegetables, meat, dairy food and wholegrains .
We besides need different minerals. calcium helps to keep our bones impregnable and iron keeps our blood healthy .
You find minerals in kernel, milk, green vegetables and fish .
Starchy foods are foods such as potatoes, boodle, rice, pasta, cassava or yams. These all contain carbohydrates and character. Carbohydrates give us department of energy .
Protein is needed to grow and repair. You find protein in kernel, fish, eggs, nuts and pulses ( such as beans and lentils ).
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Did you know that over three-quarters of your body is water ? Your body uses water system all the time : when you sweat, go to the toilet and even when you breathe. That ’ randomness why it ’ second crucial to drink lots of urine to stay hydrated. This is specially important before, during and after you exercise. The healthiest swallow you can have is water system. Sports drinks and fizzing drinks contain a lot of carbohydrate so you should try to avoid them .
We need to do lots of exert to help keep our bodies strong and fit .