18 Quotes on Food and Health to Make You Think

Some of these quotes are tongue-in-check, while others are profoundly serious. many of them show a diachronic opinion of how we should treat our consistency, and how we should eat. I hope you find them as fun and inspirational as I did .

1. “ healthy citizens are the greatest asset any country can have. ”
Winston Churchill 2. “ Let food be thy music and medicate be thy food. ”

3. “ And diet, I discovered, was another form of perturb feed, just as anorexia and bulimia similarly disrupt the natural rate of eat. “ Ordered ” eat is the rehearse of eating when you are hungry and ceasing to eat when your brain sends the signal that your abdomen is full. … All people who live their lives on a diet are suffering. If you can accept your natural body system of weights and not force it to beneath your body ‘s natural, healthy system of weights, then you can live your biography complimentary of dieting, of restriction, of feeling guilty every time you eat a slice of your kid ‘s birthday cake. ”
Portia de Rossi, “ intolerable lightness : A Story of Loss and Gain ” 4. “ A vigorous five-mile walk will do more good for an dysphoric but differently healthy adult than all the medicine and psychology in the world. ”
Paul Dudley White ( an american doctor and cardiologist ) 5. To keep the body in good health is a duty, otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind potent and clear.
Buddha 6. “ Each affected role carries his own doctor inside him. ”
Norman Cousins, “ Anatomy of an illness ”

food world
In my food world, there is no fear or guilt, only rejoice and balance .
( photograph : goodmoments/Shutterstock )
7. “ 1 billion people in the populace are chronically athirst. 1 billion people are corpulence. ”
Mark Bittman, “ Food Matters : A Guide to Conscious Eating with More Than 75 Recipes ” 8. “ It is easier to change a man ‘s religion than to change his diet. ”
Margaret Mead 9. “ We should resolve now that the health of this nation is a national concern ; that fiscal barriers in the way of attaining health shall be removed ; that the health of all its citizens deserves the avail of all the state. ”
Harry S. Truman 10. “ Eating icky food is n’t a honor — it ‘s a punishment. ”
Drew Carey 11. “ The first wealth is health. ”
Ralph Waldo Emerson 12. “ Sorry, there ́s no charming fastball. You got tantalum eat goodly and live healthy to be goodly and look healthy. end of narrative. ”
Morgan Spurlock, “ Do n’t Eat This Book ”

13. “ If your arteries are good, eat more ice cream. If they are bad, drink more red wine. Proceed thus. ”
Sandra Byrd, “ Bon Appetit ” 14. “ No disease that can be treated by diet should be treated with any other means. ”

It is easier to change a man's religion than to change his diet.
It is easier to change a man ‘s religion than to change his diet .
( photograph : Elena Elisseeva/Shutterstock )
15. “ About eighty percentage of the food on shelves of supermarkets nowadays did n’t exist 100 years ago. ”
Larry McCleary, “ Feed Your Brain, Lose Your Belly : experience Dynamic Weight Loss with the Brain-Belly Connection ” 16. “ In my food worldly concern, there is no fear or guilt, only gladden and balance. So no ingredient is always off-limits. Rather, all of the recipes here follow my Usually-Sometimes-Rarely philosophy. Notice there is no Never. ”
Ellie Krieger, “ The Food You Crave : delectable Recipes for a healthy life ” 17. “ Remember, excessively, that at a time when people are very concern with their health and its relationship to what they eat, we have handed over the responsibility for our nutriment to faceless corporations. ”
Lynne Rossetto Kasper 18. “ Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint. ”
Mark Twain

source : https://nutritionline.net
Category : FOODS